This is a note from DAVIA about the progress that is being made in Argentina around the issue of false accusations. This young woman tells the story of being manipulated by feminists to falsely accuse her father. If you are an organization that is fighting for men you might want to consider joining DAVIA. They now are up to 170 member organizations from around the world. To see their impressive list of press releases go here.
Dear DAVIA member,
As you know, on November 20 the Argentinian Senate convened a hearing on how to stop false allegations.
One of the presenters was teenager Ana Jaspín Carro, who tearfully recounted her false allegation against her own father:
"My name is Ana Jaspín Carro, and I'm here to tell my story. A story where not only was there a false accusation on my part, but also a persecution by the feminist movement in complicity with the justice system in Córdoba. To condemn an innocent man, all they need is one person to say something against him.
To end up sentenced to no less than 10 years in prison or 15, like my dad, they need someone like me to manipulate and arrange all the information to achieve their goal.
My story begins when I was 14 years old. As I entered adolescence, I became angry with my father and didn't want any limits. I couldn't tolerate any order, and at school and in society, I was constantly shown that I was a woman and no man should tell me what to do.
At that time, a friend, a real victim, told me about the abuse she suffered. With my school's support for feminism and constant speeches about hatred towards men, including several false accusations against teachers, I took her story as my own to get back at my dad.
I told my mom that he had molested me years ago.
She didn't hesitate to confront him.
Eventually, my dad was arrested, and I realized that things had gone too far.
I spoke with my grandmother, told her what happened, and that I had lied, She accompanied me to tell the truth, but they didn't let me, and they never let me.
And to this day, I still can't do it. Well, now I can, but I'm still waiting to be heard."
Here's the link to see her testimony in Spanish:
In response, Justice Minister Mariano Cuneo Libarona stated,
"This is a paradigmatic case of how the gender ideology took control of innocent minds to make them puppets of their nefarious revolution.
We got in touch with this family destroyed by feminism.
We're going to eradicate the gender ideology from the justice system."
Congratulations to Andrea Guacci and the Argentinian Women's Front for this impressive accomplishment!
Edward E. Bartlett, PhD
Even a little bit of progress is a good thing. It would be MOST unfortunate if the abuses of feminists in the matter of false accusations resulted in a legal system that practices "NEVER believe the woman". Frankly...we are at the point where such a response by the courts may be the appropriate policy until women start being honest and holding EACH other accountable.
History keeps repeating itself. Decades ago, similar instances were happening in NZ, UK and America.
The desire to destroy men's lives knows no bounds.