
This is the first of several interviews with Aman Siddiqi about his dissertation on the Prejudice Against Men. Aman's dissertation is extraordinary and his ability to explain its complexity in interviews is excellent. The point he makes is that no psychotherapist can create a therapeutic relationship with men unless they are aware of where men face prejudice. I am sure you will enjoy Aman and his ideas. It is like a breath of fresh air!

The Psychology of Prejudice Against Men is a topic that gets too little attention. Aman Siddiqi has broken the unwritten rules of silence from the misandrist psychological community by taking a close look at the workings of this invisible prejudice and how it impacts men and the psychotherapeutic relationships between therapists and male clients. In his Doctoral Thesis Siddiqi draws on past research on discrimination and prejudice and applies those research driven ideas to what is happening to men today. Importantly he brings to light the concept of "Acceptable Prejudice" which is a prejudice against specific groups that is invisibly endorsed by the culture and shows how it is now men who are carrying the burden of this prejudice. This is a fascinating interview that begins the process of unraveling the web of bias faced in today's world by boys and men.

The Thesis https://www.proquest.com/openview/18ff860071ff793d5240c7040a00d4d9/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=18750&diss=y

Aman's academia.edu page https://independent.academia.edu/AmanSiddiqi