
Understanding Men is a series of articles and videos that progressively explain the many natural factors that help us see men in a realistic light.  Today's world is filled with negative spin on men and masculinity and this has done great harm to men and boys.  That harm is amplified by the media and the educational systems ignoring an abundance of research knowledge that reveals what is driving healthy masculinity and healthy manhood.  This series digs into that research and clinical observations and offers it for your consideration. 

There has been a great deal of research that has focused on the psychological impact of testosterone but the media and the educational system have failed to bring this fascinating information to the general public. It is a curious question why they have avoided this data. My own sense is that it nullifies the predominant feminist narrative that the differences between men and women are due solely to socialization. I would be curious to hear what you think in the comments.

As my father used to tell me, “The truth needs no prop.“ I hope you enjoy the video.
