This is a video from a Youtube channel called the Happy Wife School. It is titled “Good Men Will Be Shocked to Know This About Their Wives and Sex“. This is one of this channel’s many videos where the presenter offers women ideas about the red pill. She is unapologetic in holding women accountable for their actions in relationships. That in itself is remarkable. The video below is about 7 minutes long and will give you a sense of the ideas she is teaching. My hat is off to her! Please do offer your feedback in the comments.
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Solid material. My only concern is that I'm a bit leery of the part where she leans into saying that we're "wired differently" as an explanation for this toxic behavior. I'm not fond of that explanation, especially when I see it more commonly used to argue that men are 'wired' to be the adulterers. Implying that an undesirable behavioral trait is biologically inherent to a group is not something to be done lightly or without strong evidence presented in support. That part veers unpleasantly close to a Tate style claim that women are always looking to marry a Beta for his resources while she Fs an Alpha on the side for his big D, because that's how they're wired. It happens, but AFAICT from the literature it's not nearly widespread enough to justify that behavior being applied as a stereotype to the entire female sex.
I get that a short video isn't the best place to get into the nitty gritty of the latest white papers on gender differences in mating strategies and historical patterns in monogamy, but it's still a little internally contradictory even here to emphasize "That's a story we tell" (culture) AND "wired differently" (biology). Likewise, "men commit" and "women don't even think about it" should probably be more specifically said "good men commit" and "unfaithful women don't even think about it", because while that's true on average there are still a LOT of unfaithful men and faithful women out there too.
I think that when discussing sex differences it's very important to be clear when some trait is an absolute, an average, or just a significant subgroup. AFAICT, at least in America, marital infidelity (by either sex) is a subgroup, not the average and certainly not an absolute. That's worth saying. The majority of married people aren't cheating on their spouses.
Sure, there are still differences between the subgroups that DO cheat as to WHY: it's been a while but IIRC the most commonly reported reason for men was a combination of alcohol and opportunity (poor judgement while impaired) while the most common reason given by women was a combination of revenge (payback for 'failing' her in some way or assuming that he's already cheated) and 'feelings' (not necessarily intimacy or emotional connections between her and the side piece, but more "how he makes me feel": sexy, wild, young again, etc). It's interesting to me how women were more likely to maliciously cheat with the deliberate intent of it emotionally (and perhaps reputationally) hurting her man whereas men were much more likely to want it to NOT hurt his woman.
Like I said, solid material, but still with some room to improve it. There's a lot that can be said on this subject even while sticking carefully only to claims that have credible research underlying them.
Tom I'm glad to see something about Sex between heterosexual couples...
I was to the point where I was going to ask you to talk about this.
But my other thing is: men have become to pussy whipped, even us gay ones.. time for some distance.. not in a nasty way, but a grown up way..not pandering all the time...
Outside of having sex, how many Men (and women) negotiate(d) with the woman about marriage, children, frequency of sex before penetration happened and marriage happened and pregnancy... and, and, and... yeah it sounds all so Transactional but why is it that we often negotiate the deals about the new Car but not a relationship that will cost us far more!!!
I would have to say that many people are not mature adults.. and I'm finally shocked...!!!
I'll leave it at that.. just some of my thoughts as I read your Blog and Janices, Bettina Arndt and two others...