When I worked in the corporate world of the Fortune 50, we always had one eagle-eye serve as the proofreader, especially when the topic involved change and the inherent risk embedded in change. There is always some naysayer who will find some reason to discredit the proposition. Rock on.
All this is still relevant, sadly. We are beginning to see some recognition of men’s issues in the mainstream media, such as Morning Joe on MSNBC and Smerconish on CNN, but these mentions are often fleeting and met with a dismissiveness from the women on the panels who change the subject to a feminist perspective. It is good that more and more men are dialing in. However, nothing will change materially until men take political action as did the feminists and exercise their power together as the one half of the electorate that men are. Time has come today to lobby our state and local officials about our issues. In my case as a prostate cancer survivor and recurrent patient at present I am lobbying my Federal representatives to correct the fact that the US government invests 2.4 times as much funding for breast cancer research than it does in prostate cancer research though the mortality and morbidity rates are comparable. Male disposability at work once again. The range of men’s issues represents a very target rich environment encompassing men’s health in general, the draft, education, family court, employment discrimination (DEI), homelessness, murder rates, incarceration, drug death, suicide, etc. Time has come today for concerted and individual action.
First I want thank you for all your work and perseverance. It’s inspirational. I wrote a letter to Kamala Harris outlining men’s health as a means for a political party to energize and attract so many men who have forgotten by both major parties and no other party of which I am aware. I have created a substack recently. Temporarily, however, my focus has been a probable recurrence of prostate cancer which has drawn my focus regarding treatment. I have a treatment plan now, so I preparing my first substack entry as we speak. I intend to send Warren Farrell’s open letter to President Biden from January 2023 to my Federal senators and Congressional representative here in Pennsylvania and include my pleadings in the substack. Interestingly, my Congressman is a feminist on the Armed Services Committee who supported draft registration for women in the budget renewal. Josh Hawley removed it, but at least she tried. There is hope. My goal is to persuade more men to lobby the cancer funding I seek. Who can hate trying to defeat cancer, even when it helps men live longer fuller lives!
Yes sir, I do. I am looking at the letter right now, it’s dated January 9, 2023. Perhaps the date is in error as we often get the year wrong in the new year.
As for the prostate cancer, you bet I will keep you informed! Every man needs an annual physical that includes that exam and a PSA blood test (prostate specific antigen). People and many doctors still play the tune that if you have Prostate cancer you may die with it but not of it. I guess that must exclude the 30,000+ men who die of it annually. I don’t mean to preach. When I get the sub stack rolling, let me know how I can support you, Paul, Janice, and others you recommend. Our common theme is that we just want improve the lives of boys and men. That in no way harms girls and women. Stay tuned and may your God go with you…
I found the letter and the date was indeed incorrect! It's hilarious since it went through multiple eyes and hands to be edited and proofread. lol Oh well. It was a good letter and the press release that went with it was also good. Thanks for sending that one out far and wide! I should probably publish that letter here also.
Thanks for the important work you are doing with prostate cancer. Blessings.
When I worked in the corporate world of the Fortune 50, we always had one eagle-eye serve as the proofreader, especially when the topic involved change and the inherent risk embedded in change. There is always some naysayer who will find some reason to discredit the proposition. Rock on.
All this is still relevant, sadly. We are beginning to see some recognition of men’s issues in the mainstream media, such as Morning Joe on MSNBC and Smerconish on CNN, but these mentions are often fleeting and met with a dismissiveness from the women on the panels who change the subject to a feminist perspective. It is good that more and more men are dialing in. However, nothing will change materially until men take political action as did the feminists and exercise their power together as the one half of the electorate that men are. Time has come today to lobby our state and local officials about our issues. In my case as a prostate cancer survivor and recurrent patient at present I am lobbying my Federal representatives to correct the fact that the US government invests 2.4 times as much funding for breast cancer research than it does in prostate cancer research though the mortality and morbidity rates are comparable. Male disposability at work once again. The range of men’s issues represents a very target rich environment encompassing men’s health in general, the draft, education, family court, employment discrimination (DEI), homelessness, murder rates, incarceration, drug death, suicide, etc. Time has come today for concerted and individual action.
Well said. Have you done any writing on this? It's an important topic for men.
First I want thank you for all your work and perseverance. It’s inspirational. I wrote a letter to Kamala Harris outlining men’s health as a means for a political party to energize and attract so many men who have forgotten by both major parties and no other party of which I am aware. I have created a substack recently. Temporarily, however, my focus has been a probable recurrence of prostate cancer which has drawn my focus regarding treatment. I have a treatment plan now, so I preparing my first substack entry as we speak. I intend to send Warren Farrell’s open letter to President Biden from January 2023 to my Federal senators and Congressional representative here in Pennsylvania and include my pleadings in the substack. Interestingly, my Congressman is a feminist on the Armed Services Committee who supported draft registration for women in the budget renewal. Josh Hawley removed it, but at least she tried. There is hope. My goal is to persuade more men to lobby the cancer funding I seek. Who can hate trying to defeat cancer, even when it helps men live longer fuller lives!
Do you mean the Farell letter of January 2024?
Let me know if you publish something on prostate cancer that you think might interest readers here.
Yes sir, I do. I am looking at the letter right now, it’s dated January 9, 2023. Perhaps the date is in error as we often get the year wrong in the new year.
As for the prostate cancer, you bet I will keep you informed! Every man needs an annual physical that includes that exam and a PSA blood test (prostate specific antigen). People and many doctors still play the tune that if you have Prostate cancer you may die with it but not of it. I guess that must exclude the 30,000+ men who die of it annually. I don’t mean to preach. When I get the sub stack rolling, let me know how I can support you, Paul, Janice, and others you recommend. Our common theme is that we just want improve the lives of boys and men. That in no way harms girls and women. Stay tuned and may your God go with you…
I found the letter and the date was indeed incorrect! It's hilarious since it went through multiple eyes and hands to be edited and proofread. lol Oh well. It was a good letter and the press release that went with it was also good. Thanks for sending that one out far and wide! I should probably publish that letter here also.
Thanks for the important work you are doing with prostate cancer. Blessings.