I'd add that the courts should automatically charge those who make false allegations, not wait around for the victims to sue them (which, after all, can cost a lot of money).

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Double sentences for false accusations made by the Empowered Ones is the only way to stop the plague of lying, vindictive females in New Amerika. Of course, that isn't going to happen -- females run the 'justice system' and they know it, too.

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Hell, double would be great. The evil involved in making an intentional false accusation is astounding. And people just let it go.

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All good with LE, all good with the courts, and all good with feminist and woke D.C. It’s just the lives of men being ruined, after all. Not as if anybody important — like a female — is suffering.

What a vile and wicked nation New Amerika has become. May it reap the fullness of what it has sown.

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Good idea Paul. I would love to see that.

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I left New Amerika almost a decade ago, mostly due to a series of false allegations by evil women, one of which resulted in incarceration. Two of the false accusations were from women I didn't even know -- complete strangers to me. I simply displeased them by failing to jump to their commands, and the next thing I knew, sheriff's cars were screeching up to my door and I was required to answer the lying accusations.

After three of these experiences within a few years, I realized that as a Toxic Male I was a 24/7 target in the United Sisterhood of Amerika. Any time a female wanted to punish me and make my life difficult, it was just one 9-1-1 call away from big trouble. I bailed as soon as I could from Amerika and never looked back at that malevolent bitch of a nation.

BTW NO consequences took place against my false accusers; after all, they are the Good Gender and I am the Bad Gender. The cops, courts, and feminist 'judges' were 100% on the side of the malicious wimmin. I realized that I could not be alone in having false accusations lodged against me, that there must be thousands or millions of other men that were being set-up and taken down by privileged, empowered, vengeful wimmin, and that many of those men were rotting away in county and state prisons as a result of false allegations made by the Empowered Ones, backed-up by LE and the feminist courts with their 'feminist jurisprudence'.

I despise New Amerika and the evil wimmin that inhabit it, and I despise the vile 'justice system' that essentially is just a servant of the Empowered Ones. Nothing would please me more than to see that evil, lying, gutless nation burned to the ground from Canada to Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. I would dance and celebrate! The United Sisterhood is a warzone for boys and men, and that's been the case for half-a-century now. I turned my back on New Amerika, escaped from her evil clutches, and never have I made a better decision.

Flee from FemLand if you can, brothers. Flee from her evil wimmin and her evil ways. New Amerika is no place for a boy or man to live. The United Sisterhood HATES you for your sin of being male, and she will ruin and devour you the moment that she can.

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