Morgan Stanley crunched census numbers and predicted that 45% of women ages 25-44 will be single and childless by 2030. Nice work, feminists.

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"Experts say such declines will have catastrophic consequences."

If there are experts who say that, they are few and are not listened to. Politicians hire and listen to 'experts' rather than listen to their constituents and think on their own. All 'experts' are educated (trained) in Marxist dominated colleges and universities. Most of them are expert in Marxist ideology, thus continuing disastrous policies. Low birthrates are the result of their Malthusian, Marxist policies which they consider a good outcome. They remain convinced that population must be reduced to avoid catastrophic consequences. Any negative consequences from population reduction are short-term and can easily be dealt with through increased immigration.

Marxism is a system designed to maximize death and destruction. It's twin, Islam, also maximizes death and destruction. This is concentrated in the leaders. Leaders, by their very natures, value themselves over their followers, whose only value consist in what the leaders can extract from them. How many leaders actually lead their followers into battle? How many starve along with their followers when their policies result in famine and diseases? How many end up unemployed? The same goes for their lackeys, the 'experts.'

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We have 8 billion people on the planet and 10 billion expected within seventy years. Positives - halting further encroachment, and food production. Without immigration that will impact labour forces, and economic growth. Different ways of looking at this.

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The proponents of illegal immigration argue that it is necessary to supply labor lost through the declining American population. Of course, they gloss over the fact that many of the illegals are military-age men from China, Venezuelan gang bangers released fro prison to come here, etc.

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"In a Texas study, undocumented immigrants were found to be 47 percent less likely to be convicted of a crime in 2017 than native-born Americans. More recently, a study looked at census data over a 150-year period; since 1870, incarceration rates of immigrants are actually slightly lower than U.S.-born people and that gap widens in recent years with immigrant's 60 percent less likely to be incarcerated than U.S.-born citizens." Of course, some immigrants will commit crimes, but not the majority.

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Jul 4Liked by Tom Golden

Did you know that Venezuelan gang-bangers were purposefully released from prisons there, so that they could come here? And that Hamas and Hezbollah members, along with military-aged men from China, are among the illegals?

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and the mentally ill, and the convicts, we are shooting ourselves in the head.

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Bad apples will always be a problem, but the majority of people are not criminals. The border protection lists approximately 7k a year who are apprehended for crimes, not including drinking under the influence. "Julia Gelatt, associate director of the U.S. Immigration Policy Program at the Migration Policy Institute, told us. “While the actions of institutions in Venezuela is not our specialty, we are unaware of any action by Venezuelan authorities (or those of any other country) to empty its jails and prisons or its mental-health institutions to send criminals or people with mental-health issues to the U.S.”

They are neither emptying the prisons nor the mental shelters to send people to the United States, nor is the reduction in crime associated with [Trump’s claim]....Owens, the U.S. Border Patrol chief - But among the large number of Venezuelan migrants who are crossing illegally into the U.S. and then seeking asylum status, “I think they absolutely are by and large good people,” Owens said. Nonetheless, he said, there is “a very small amount” among those apprehended that have criminal backgrounds, including “convicted sexual predators” and “convicted gang members.” Owens said it is only logical that there is a “higher incidence” of criminals among the so-called gotaways, because they are afraid to turn themselves in for CBP scrutiny." Castro released prisoners and asylum patients from Cuba to the U.S. in 1980, but there is no proof this is happening by the Venezuelan government, although it is possible.

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You might want to seek out a different news source.

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Jul 5Liked by Tom Golden

That you are citing the "Migration Policy Institute" suggests that the research is at best, biased.

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What news sources are you using that confirms that the gov. in Venezuela is deliberately sending the types you mention to the U.S. Not saying you are wrong, but where are you getting your information?

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Lots of “a study was done” and “another study says” but not one shred of citations and therefore I call you a liar!

What now, more “and even another STUDY says” bull crap?

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It would be good to see citations but the problem has become that peer reviewed research can no longer be trusted. They are steadily putting out phony research and it is getting the nod from peer reviewers. Sad. The other side of the problem is that more conservative studies are being rejected outright from the peer review process, or they are getting reviewed after long periods of time. See Jim Nuzzos excellent series on his experience with this. It's an eye opener. Here's one of the posts from the series https://jameslnuzzo.substack.com/p/personal-drama-in-academic-peer-review-f2f

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Jul 4Liked by Tom Golden

Quite right Tom and to be honest, I don’t care what any study says as ‘observable reality’ has always been more reliable!

Anyway, almost all ‘studies’ are done with a specific finding in mind; absolutely nobody can be trusted anymore!

Except you my friend! 😉

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And don't trust me too far! lol

The loss of science as a tool for sifting out the truth is huge. The media has been gone for decades. We are living in very strange times.

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I am listening to a really good interview with Scott Galloway and Lewis Howes. They delve into gender issues with kindness and grace. There is no way forward without kindness I believe.

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Why the nastiness?

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Jul 5Liked by Tom Golden

Maybe because only someone whose brain is damaged thinks that millions upon millions of ILLEGAL fence jumpers are a good thing?

What part of ‘ILLEGAL’ is difficult to understand?

As a white American male, can you recommend a country where I might literally walk across their border and immediately have them house, feed, give me cash and transportation, a drivers license and also allow me to vote while at the same time burn down their cities as I accuse them of racism against me? (And don’t recommend the U. S. as I already live there)

I’ll wait…

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Can you cite numbers, millions and millions seem like hyperbole. I think your information is grossly exaggerated and some of it incorrect or taken out of context.

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Hummm…. We are told OVER AND OVER how the world is overpopulated and the criminal Billy Gates is hard at work addressing that. We must always remember that there are lies, damn lies, and then statistics! With 8 billion people on the planet we are soon to face extinction somehow?

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We can support billions more if we eat bugs, and CAFO meat. Certainly, the planet won't support continued human population growth and regenerative farming. Humans are the ultimate predator.

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Jul 4Liked by Tom Golden

Are you willing to ‘off yourself’ to help the population problem?

Of course not, but you enjoy virtue signaling for whatever imaginary thrill that brings you right? I mean, you are human and therefore a “predator” …

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