Thank you, Tom. Talking about the problem is a good start. But as the others have mentioned, there needs to be action to accompany the talk.

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Yes indeed. Let's see what the action might be.

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We can give him specific ideas, through these contact methods I saw doing a search on Brave.com:

Contact Maryland Governor Moore

To contact Governor Wes Moore, you can use the following methods:

Email: You can send an email to the Governor's office using the form available on the Governor's website.68

Phone: The Governor's office can be reached at (410) 974-3901 or toll-free at 1-800-811-8336 (Maryland only).7

Fax: You can also send a fax to the Governor's office at (410) 974-3275.7

Mail: Write to Governor Wes Moore at 100 State Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401-1925.7

Social Media: Follow Governor Moore on X (formerly Twitter) at @GovWesMoore.2

For more detailed information or to contact the Governor's press office, you can visit the Governor's official website or contact the Director of Communications, David Turner, at david.turner@maryland.gov.

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Sorry, Frank. This is just marketing I am afraid. An excuse to continue with womens agenda.

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AGREED! Trump is a BIG disappointment!

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Exactly! Lip service is good, but let's see the follow-up in terms of effective policy.

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Bravo! Gotta start somewhere.

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We did It. We voted for Trump. This is the result.

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I'll say things are turning around when I hear the sweet words "Title IV-D and IV-E have been abolished!"

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Amen. It is amazing that crap exists.

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'VAWA is revoked. All funding by government is now ended'.

'The 19th Amendment is hereby repealed.'

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Just hearing that idea of VAWA being revoked brought a joy to my heart. That legislation has been so incredibly hurtful I do think it needs to be scrubbed and built again from the ground up with a balance of compassion for both men and women. Not gonna happen. The gynocentrism is too entrenched.

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Just get rid of VAWA. Can't polish a turd.

Men and women were doing just fine without VAWA. Nobody will miss it except the haters and the ideologue zombies.

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BINGO! Trump = big disappointment. Pandering to a fringe element of hermaphroditic fe-MALE athletes who are the very same ones who invaded MALE SPACES including the DEI military

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Perhaps...but most women will oppose any resources going to evil men.

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Worst. This is purely marketing only. True help? Trump deleting DEI.

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Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. He IS a proponent of DEI and is a known male feminist. He has in his past administration given government grants to ALL fe-MALE causes. ALL of his w0e-MEN he's appointing are DEI and have stolen valor from MEN including Nancy Mace who sued her way into the Citadel formerly ALL MALE military college now coed because of her.

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It’s good, however the value of not leaving anyone behind should have been sufficient to prevent the situation getting to where it is. Yet here we are. Boys and men got left behind. It’s good to move forward. It may be that to catch us up some dedicated focus and effort needs to be made such that girls and women are not stopped or diminished but efforts momentarily paused while focussing on catching up boys and men. Then we can move together.

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Oh c'mon avi let's stop female empowerment, just for a while I promise. You know, just to see what it feels like. Seeing that almost nobody knows.

Should females be diminished, after 40 years of Throw Rocks at Boys, Mansplaining, Inherent Toxicity, and $MeToo? What the heck, stretch out a little, I might just diminish them some too. Do my part in providing a Level Playing Field.

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I do wonder sometimes what women would do if the tables were reversed and they were blamed and shamed as men have been for decades. Would they take it in stride? Most men have. I am guessing they might have a harder time with it.

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100% correct. Merit would dictate that ALL w0e-MEN in the military are DEI...considering Trump passed laws to protect w0e-MEN from having to compete with MEN... why therefore should they be allowed to compete with MEN for rank when they are protected from competing with MEN?

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I think he’s saying that we have done A LOT for girls and very little for boys. What we also need to do is to redefine what is “masculine” vs “feminine.” Historically, it was less of a sin for a girl to be called a “tomboy” versus a boy to be called “sissy.” And that’s not right. Why has Barbie had every career known to humankind? Why is it more okay for girls to have monster trucks than boys to, well, have Barbies? I’m saying this having grown up a girl and now a mom to a six year old boy.

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Well, we need to stop blaming boys and men and calling them toxic. That would be a good start.

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We need to start calling Girls and women toxisc. They have committed the major genocide ever. Lets stop gynocentrism and start having women accountable.

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w0e-MEN >SHOULD be diminished in MANY WAYS... for ex. if they are protected from competing with MEN, >why should they be entitled to get RANK over those same MEN in the military? ALL w0e-MEN are DEI in the military...until they have to shave their hair, sign for the draft, and compete with male strength

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Well, deleting DEI from the army will suffice. I believed that some women may be good at the army (10%?). If they do the same as a male does, I am happy to accept them

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That would require them to SHAVE THEIR HEADS and sign for the draft and not be protected from boys. LOL. Thanks for understanding me and God bless and continued luck with MEN'S RIGHTS RED PILL!

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This is just marketing because men have been discriminated for ages. The solution IS not focusing on men and boys, It shopping the discrimination. Trump already did this with the eliminating of the DEI.

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NOPE. Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. Trump is a male feminist and a huge proponent of DEI. ALL the w0-MEN he appoints are DEI. including Tulsi Gabbard, and Nancy Mace who sued her way into the Citadel formerly ALL MALE military college... now coed because of her. Trump has a long HIS-story of giving handouts & grants to ALL fe-MALE causes. Think about it: If the law now protects fe-MALES from competing with MEN... why should they be entitled to rank over those MEN in the military?

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Yeah, Trump's a liberal and a feminist, but probably an improvement over the Kamala/Obama/Pelosi/Clinton coven.

Trans is a natural and inevitable outgrowth of feminism. However, men wised up on the Victim Sweepstakes and figgered out a way of one-upping the fembots and the wokelings, by dressing as women and dabbing on a bit of garish makeup.

That, of course, produced males out-performing females athletically, which made the princesses and their parents livid.

I point out their hypocrisy to them on their websites: they've been DOWN with the entire self-serving feminist agenda for forty years, but now that the 'trans' are being liberated, the brakes are slammed on? Because we can't have our snowflake punkins LOSING and FEELING BAD now can we? :O)

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Glad to have you as an ally, I wish I was wrong about Trump maybe he's coming to MEN through the back door?

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100% agreed. And also agree Trump is better than the other side. And I voted Trump ALL 3 times. We can be objective about these things.

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He's feckless unless unless he recognizes that the majority of mass shooters are from fatherless homes, or have had poor experiences with the family courts.

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He was pretty clear that he wanted to help boys and men. We will see how sincere he is or whether he is simply another gynocentric politician.

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Agree, actions speak louder than words. Was I dreaming or did I hear that VAWA had been defunded?

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Helping boys and men will come to a cost to women. E.g. more men at the Uni is less men at the Uni. Their help will be límited to mental health and vocational training (i.e women being doctors, men, plumbers).

In Spain, vocational training is being used by the left to promote women in tradicional male spaces. Where you didnt need a certificate to become a constructor, now you need one.

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Thanks Tom, good to see this. But of course there's no mention of the elephant in the room.

WHY do men and boys need "uplifting"? They didn't need it historically. It's because for over half a century (in particular) they've been disadvantaged by female privileging. Two sides of the same coin. Men and boys cannot be "uplifted" without ending female privileging. It really is as simple as that, and no politicians are willing to accept the fact, let alone state it publicly.

Mike Buchanan

JUSTICE FOR MEN & BOYS http://j4mb.org.uk


LAUGHING AT FEMINISTS http://laughingatfeminists.com

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Yew, this is the Richard Reeves approach. To say, yes, we have a problem, but fail to call out the actual cause.

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Thanks Tom. And the Warren Farrell approach, it has to be said (much as I admire the man). In "The Boy Crisis", no mention of the central role played by feminists in creating the crisis.

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Speaking of Warren Farell... What are his plans now? Does he get a chance to get involved? He would be a very good asset, especially now, as the feminist lobby is less dominant.

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Hi Carl, sorry, I haven't been in touch with Warren for some time.

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Indeed. And all starts with education. Women are in control of education. We need to come back to single sex schools

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It's a breakthrough just to have a politician mention men and boys. Much less to focus on them specifically.

That's anti-American, isn't it? /s

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Dont be so exited. Makeup only. True help? Trump deleting DEI

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Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. Trump is a known male feminist and has given handout & grants to ALL fe-MALE causes in his last administration. Protecting fe-MALES from having to compete with MEN exposes >ALL military w0e-MEN as DEI. Why should w0e-MEN be entitled to compete with MEN for rank when they are protected from competing with MEN? Trump are a major proponent of DEI and ALL the w0e-MEN he's appointing ARE DEI... including Tulsi Gabbard, and Nancy Mace who sued her way into the Citadel formerly ALL MALE military college. WHY should w0e-MEN be entitled to compete with MEN for rank when they are protected from competing with MEN?

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Btw there was a similar as in Spain 20 years ago.

At that time, this was liberating for women, as they used to be more stay at home moms.

But this add works the other way around. It tryies to put men at home. It telling: dont worry to be a stay at home dad, you Will be hired lated.

And thats false. Affirmative action and DEI works for women. Not for stay at home dads.

So, stay at home dads even do NOT take the same protection as stay at home moms.

And, again, what was bad for women cannot be good for men.

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Am I dreaming? This is almost too good to be true!

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I'm on board with what he's saying. I think his agenda is going to be more in conflict with the 'victim masculinists' who don't want to get with the program than it will be with more egalitarian (for both sexes) feminists. The 'victim feminists' will whine as always.

The victims choose to leave themselves behind. The truly progressive focus on making progress - like what this gentleman is proposing.

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This is a breath of fresh air!

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Thanks to Trump, of course. Otherwise, we would still be speaking about toxic masculinity

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Trump is a MALE feminist. He IS a major proponent of DEI. Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. ALL the w0e-MEN he's appointing are DEI. Including Nancy Mace who sued her way into the Citadel formerly ALL MALE military college now coed because of her. If Trump was serious, he would disown Nancy Mace & Talsi gabbard BOTH >DEI. Why should w0e-MEN be entitled to rank over MEN when they are protected from competing with MEN?

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So, Democrats are now concerned about men. Sic!

Those Who have been discriminating for decadates!

Sorry, but no sorry. We prefer Trump. With eliminating DEI would probably suffice.

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TRUMP discriminates against MEN as well. Republicans are WORSE

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Could you please expand? Trump has been in Office 20 days and repeleaded DEI

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If Trump was serious about repealing DEI... he would disown Nancy Mace & Tulsi Gabbard, as they ARE recipients of DEI. ALL w0e-MEN with rank over MEN are DEI. Why should w0e-MEN be entitled to rank over MEN when they are PROTECTED from even having to compete with MEN?

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Yes. Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth. He's buds with Nancy Mace who IS the DEFINTION of DEI... she sued her way into the Citadel formerly ALL MALE SPACE now coed because of her. ALL w0e-MEN in the military are DEI... because now that Trump simped to w0-MEN'S sports and passed a law to protect w0e-MEN from having to compete with MEN... THAT exposes ALL military w0e-MEN as DEI. If w0e-MEN are protected from having to compete with MEN, >WHY should they be entitled to have RANK over MEN? ... when they're protected from even having to compete with MEN?

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