There is much truth to this. Indeed...the male working class students in Tim Walz' home town, which voted for TRUMP over Harris and their old congressman/governor...articulated there were 3 reasons for their votes for Trump:

1. Economic issues stacked against the working class, especially men

2. All the WOKE DEI/Women worship issues in society.

3. Fear that Incompetent Democrats would get THEM killed in a globalist war that only men would be drafted to fight.

Some of the young men even stated that it is NOT appropriate for a woman to be commander in chief so long as women are not required to serve in war. They have a valid point it seems to me. Not sure how the Democrats recover from this without rejecting feminism.

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Thanks for making a great point about women not having to serve.

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Great piece. Too bad the NYTs and the WaPo wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole!

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Seeing the energy of the young men who have gotten onboard with Trump and MAGA has been heartening. I hope we can give them the country they deserve, where they can be free to flourish. For too long, men and boys have been dismissed. At best they're viewed as accessories for feminist women who believe that it's a female birthright to win every argument, without even having to make a coherent case for their position. At worst men have been scapegoats even for physical facts beyond human ability to change.

I'm hoping the changes currently visible in politics and the culture will eliminate the intimidation that cancel culture wielded, and our culture will again visibly operate via reason, compassion and truth.

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Thanks for sharing, thanks to Warren for writing it, & thanks to the KC Star for running it. As a Dem-leaning woman who cares deeply about boys & men, lives in a swing state, & is the parent for 4 Gen Z men, including 2 who got to vote in their first presidential election this time around, it was so disheartening to see & hear the missteps & mistakes the Dems made regarding guys! Cases in point: both Donald Trump & Kamala Harris spoke at venues a half hour from my house, on the same weekend. The Trump event was open to anyone & everyone; the Kamala event was closed. At least one of my sons was interested in seeing & hearing from both candidates & would have gone to both events; only 1 welcomed him. The fact that the other didn't -- well, he took that as a sign of something to hide. Same thing re the Joe Rogan show.

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Those weren't "mistakes and missteps" that the Democrats made with men. Those were deliberate actions they have taken over the last 30 years. The latest act was Biden giving $100.000.000 to a White House program for women's health research, and ZERO dollars for men's health research.

Instead of the Democrats admitting they screwed up, they doubled down on the gynocentrism and called male Trump voters "misogynists".

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Same happens here in Australia with our politicians giving g billions to women's only Dv while ignoring the 2500 boys suicides .. not only ignoring but last year when we had an event displaying g 2500 empty Shoes to represent the loss the got the media to Black ban the interview and coverage so it never aired

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We are doing it again this year for 3rd time at Parliament house Camberra . So let's see if they do it again .anyone who would like to come is welcome. Individual or advocacy group .

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Exactly. Democrats seem to be the common denominator in all this mess, but beyond and before that, the democrat party was infiltrated by anti-American forces, decades ago, deliberately seeking the destruction of our country. Call them what you will ...marxists, communists, bolsheviks, radical activists...it doesn't matter. The intent is what matters and they've used every tool at their disposal. What we're seeing is the fruits of their labor, for they have succeeded in subverting every single institution in our system: education, entertainment, justice, religion, government, media, medicine, labor, finance. And they are all geared to attack the very foundations of our moral fabric, our belief in God, our values, our cohesion as a nation, our ability for men and women to work together, with respect and love. These enemies within have created feminists and misogynists, transgender activists and every other extremists and they teach every new generation within our education system. We witness these extremists in every walk of life, but they are the most dangerous in positions of power. Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Randi Weingarten, Fani Willis, Letitia James, Adam Schiff, Jamie Raskin, Mitt Romney, Joe Scarborough, Anthony Fauci, Tim Walz, Jen Psaki, AOC, Stacy Plaskett, Joy Reid, Susan Sarandon, Liz Cheney, John Kerry, Kathleen Kennedy, Claudine Gay...they all contribute to the destruction of our nation. They all were, at one time, victims of these infiltrators, now they spread their poison. With God's help, with Trump retaking the WH, we will defeat them, even though it takes the decades we ignored them and allowed them to take root. Sorry, I inflicted this on you.

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Thank you. Very well put.

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Thank you! What you said about "mistakes and missteps" really grabbed me. I agree wholeheartedly with you. We give them far too much grace when we don't acknowledge their deliberate evil intent. Everything they do is with malice aforethought. God bless.

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I agree with you 100%. Thank you!

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Wow that's interesting..from Australia bit confused .. did kamala only allow a select few ..how does that work ?

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Absolutely fantastic editorial. Spread this far and wide.

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Correct. 100%

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I just hope that the loss of the misandrist feminist Democrats will propagate to other Western nations.

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Me too from Australia #mentoo

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Amerika has been a Feminist Nation for 50 years, and it shows in the decline and corruption of the country during that period. It is a nation that despises men and boys and considers that attitude both righteous and 'empowering'. I am old enough to remember a balanced and healthy nation in the 1950s. That is long, long gone now.

Having witnessed the feminist takeover since the Seventies, I am an unabashed advocate for boys and young men . . . the demographic without any advocacy, or even any voice, in modern Amerikan society. Worse, the U.S. twists the arms of other Western nations to be as radically and pathologically feminist as we are.

This is the first presidential election in which the manosphere has had a significant impact upon voting, and I am proud to be one of the (few) men who got the 'manosphere' off the ground, long before that term came into being. Don't listen to the Woke-Fem media: the manosphere already is a powerful voice in American culture. Without the internet, we would have NO voice in U.S. politics and culture. Even Donald Trump is a feminist, but certainly not as radically feminist as Kamala Harris and the Demoncrapic Party.

The enemy has all the institutional power, but we are winning. We must keep the pressure on, keep confronting the United Sisterhood with its doomed feminist lies, keep advocating for men and boys. Our impact is changing the world, thanks to leading voices like Tom Golden and Janice Fiamengo. I will not rest until I see feminism crushed and made into a public malediction. Never give up. Fight!

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Feminism is going to be ending one way or another. I wrote an article on the subject. The real question is: How many rights are women going to retain after everything shakes out over the next century or two? I doubt voting will still be on the table in 200 years.


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Feminism is a death-cult and its future -- if the nation continues to insist upon it -- is death. Death for the culture, death for the nation. Empowered women will 'destroy their own nests', and the lives of everybody else to boot, in their selfish and obsessive quest for Endless Empowerment of themselves.

Current America doesn't have a century . . . probably not much more than a decade or two left. Already, the financial elite and women have resorted to importing tens-of-millions of men (illegal invaders) to replace the men they have disenfranchised, defrauded and demeaned for the past five decades. This, likewise, is a doomed strategy, a finger in a dike that is leaking at all points. Nobody wants to talk about this, of course, because that would reveal who is at fault (the elites, women, and weak men).

Thank you for your response to my comment.

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I take issue with Farrell's comments on "male rage"- something Michelle Obama is fixated on. I don't concede that male rage is a problem requiring empathy and understanding. I reject that bigoted woman's premise. Almost all of the rage I see on my television or online every day comes from privileged females. Thye scream and rage about non-existent issues and not one could give a single example of any alleged rights they are supposedly losing.

They have been ranting about their loss of rights with regard to their reproductive health ( code for abortion) when Warren rightly points out the enormous disparity in government funded support for women's health to the tune of billions of dollars and multiple Federal Offices dedicated to women's health with not one for men. Yet still they weep and wail and wallow in the mire of victimhood they all so desperately crave.

It is men and boys who are without rights these females take for granted. It is men and boys who suffer far more in a range of societal scourges like homelessness, suicide, workplace death and injury and plummeting enrolments in the toxic feminist run universities across America. But these facts are never mentioned by any politician, be they Republican or Democrats. Never.

The only benefit of social media I have seen is the way in which women have exposed their true natures to the world. They seem to think filming oneself sniveling and raging like a demented twat is impressing viewers and gaining them oppression points.

All it does is confirm the clear understanding that a huge proportion of western women are delusional, narcissistic, man hating ghouls.

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Well said. When women bitch about their reproductive rights I ask them "what reproductive rights do you think men have?". It never fails to shut them up because none of them have ever given a thought to the subject. They have their heads up their vaginas.

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I wonder what all these Rights actually are sometimes!!

The other day I thought to myself:

It is interesting how the whole world seems to be screaming that women have the right to abortion and yet it is women (and men) who allow their male children to be circumcised = Male Genital Mutilation WITHOUT that Childs permission!!

Where is the male Childs right to body sovereignty and his personal right of body self determination?

I say: give women the right to abortion but they do not have the right to force a Doctor to perform that abortion nor should tax payers pay for it.. unless it is in an extreme and rare case that it must happen.. it is 2024 and there are oodles of contraception methods out there to be used.. don't women know how babies are created?

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I'm a 64 yo old woman and I totally agree

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I'm a woman and I have to agree with you. Toxic females are taking over the airwaves.

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"man hating ghouls" 😆😆👍

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"Losing will be a gift to the Democrats only if it generates more introspection than if they had won; if they take time to consider what they are missing about the men they are missing."

I am a young man, aged 79, and I totally identify with that conclusion, and have for a long time.

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Doubt [x]

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The Democrats are the party of hatred and bigotry. The Party deserves to die.

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Agree. Good to see you Steve.

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Serious question that no one wants to ask. If this is how women behave when given priority, when given egalitarian rights, when given the right to vote and own property, and more... why are we doing it? I get "muh liberalism tells me we're all equal" but that's an obvious lie and we have decades of biological, psychological, and sociological data at this point to prove it.

After we culturally conclude what will be a brief historical foray into equal rights between the sexes, every time it's brought up again one will only need to point to the 20th/21st centuries. "Look what they did when given equal rights, do you want to deal with that again?" Women, especially feminists should seriously consider what they've done to the next millennium of gender relations by behaving so poorly after having finally achieved equality. I suspect that in the future we'll se multiple historical treatise that could simply be labeled "never doing that again."

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Women will never be equal to men. They flippantly say they don't need men, but who's going to build the roads they drive on, the cars they drive, the buildings they live and work in. Who's going to repair those cars, who's going to work on the off-shore oil rigs, who's going to risk their lives, diving into the deep to weld pipes when they burst? Women have become arrogant, ungrateful, entitled, unbearable bitches, who seem to think they're exempt from contributing anything to society other than just existing. When have men been so self-absorbed as to say something as cruel as they don't need women? Maybe only recently, driven to it by the horrors women have become.

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a lot to say but I always new Obama was a snake in the grass..

and those young men.. damned if they do and damned if they don't..

thanks Warren and Tom..

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The more that comes out about Obama the more he looks like a viper. Thank you Jamie.

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haha Thanks Tom, I find it interesting that Viper is nastier than the common snake..

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A “Bullseye”! Whoops! That’s a “Toxic Masculine Rating”!

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Some people I know believe that women are powerless victims struggling against white male oppressors and that, at the very best, they may be making tiny inroads into white male hegemony. Trump's victory has hit them hard but has also given them a see-I-told-you-so shot of energy. One of the benefits, and indeed delights, for me in Farrell's tremendous op-ed, and in so many of Tom's posts, is that I regularly learn something that enables me to respond to these people in a calm, informed, fact-based way. My message to them is that they don't know what they are talking about. My language, however, is, "Well, gee, have you thought about . . .?" They are my friends and I have known some of them for 30 years, but, as comments below confirm, many feminists don't seem to understand that they need to know things too. If they believe something, of course it is true. Thank you for a tremendously heartening post.

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Thanks Allen.

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Thank you. I am the mom of two boys and I have long been concerned about how society treats our boys and their failure to thrive.

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Hi Mariah - If you have two boys I would urge you to read the understanding men section which summarizes the research on boys and girls differences. https://menaregood.substack.com/s/understanding-men

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Thank you!

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