The phrase "man up" was used by several exes when I refused to do something that was extremely detrimental to myself just for her. For example, quitting my grad school to move half way across the country to support her while she went to her grad school. Me: no. Her: man up! Me: see ya.

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This is very well organized, Tom, and well written (except for linguistic eccentricities, though common in academic works, such as "agency" and "patiency"). But you leave me with a question. In view of the fact that men are reluctant to complain about the injustice that they experience, and the social penalties for doing so, what would you suggest as a solution?

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Thanks Paul. Great question and one that I will be addressing in the last post in this series. Basically I think that men need to become aware of gynocentrism, aware of the plight they face, aware of the prejudice towards men, and aware of their own behaviors that are driven by their external and internal pushes. Then allow themselves to be men. Use logic, strength, persistence, humor, strategy, and a compassion for themselves and others to speak the truth about what is going on. There's lots to say about exactly how to accomplish that and I hope the post will go into those details.

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Wow, reading this is powerful stuff.

However, I beleive there is an elephant in the room. Esther Vilar wrote about it in her book "The Manipulated Man," which involves mating and finding a suitable mate.

The next is a generalisation, but the majority of men know that (some) women weaponise "affection" and can withhold it as a tool. Research into Chimpanzees found that male chimps who shared meat with female chimps increased their chances of being rewarded.

Today, the mere accusation of sexual misconduct made by a female against a male is enough to destroy his life and even serve a period of incarceration.

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Exactly Phil. Life as a man has become exceedingly dangerous, and it has been done through a series of highly narcissistic false accusations protected by gynocentrism. These have handcuffed men into silence. I am planning on doing the next article on false accusations and the Kanin research followed by a post that lays out the feminist hatred and how it used the power of gynocentrism to neutralize men and masculinity.

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Interestingly, one of the videos of Not On Record had a section edited out of it.

Joseph was talking about "false accusations" One group that is not researched is lawyers dealing with sexual assault cases and what they perceived or knew to be the level of false allegations made against males.

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Tom, I also experienced the same phenomenon: Pointing out disadvantages for men and advantages for women, I either got eye rollings, making fun of me, calling me cry baby or even calling me misogynist.

Quoting suivide statistics is an indication of misogyny?

I just can't get it.

They just don't want to hear. They are uncomfortable with it.

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Indeed Carl.

Misandry. It is everywhere and no one sees it.

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Have you considered this?: Imagine, you are dependent on someone and this someone is getting difficulties. Wouldn't you feel uncomfortable as your source of security, resources and protection might not be able to fulfill his role?

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So, men are nothing more than utilitarian???

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Thanks, Tom. I think men have fought back by voting for Trump en masse this past election. The Democratic Party has made it clear that they are the party of women, and, on their website, they mention that they serve women, but not men.

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Very good point, maybe the tide is starting to shift?

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I think the tide has started to shift. I remember Obama lecturing Black men on their alleged "misogyny" for not voting for Harris. He got LOTS of pushback for his remarks.

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Lean on your heavenly Father who gives you your authority in this world. I'd appreciate if you would take a look at my latest post. Men need to fight back against abortion messages.

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Can you post a link here? I saw your post on abortion and slavery. Good stuff! https://pkadams.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-abortion-and-slavery And yes, we all need to fight back on that one.

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Fascinating! Thanks

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Another angle. Men don’t respond unless directly attacked. If domestic violence policies result in fewer attacks that land a female in hospital then so be it. Men not impacted by female feminist ideology in most cases do not feel at all threatened by it. At my workplace I have male managers leading the charge against gendered violence, recently bombarded with emails encouraging employees to partake in 14 days of activism against gendered violence. They think they are doing good and deserve a pat on the back, they are supporting government policies that were created as a result of a Victorian royal commission into domestic violence, a government funded investigation. The report concluded that domestic violence was a result of male patriarchy, and not direct causes like mental health conditions that included personality disorders that affect women as much as men. I must admit in the past I would not care about the framing of domestic violence as a men’s issue. Not until my violent narcissistic wife made false allegations against me. Allegations that were immediately accepted as fact by law enforcement because of the 36 million dollar report and 3.6 billion spent on the implementation of its recommendations that introduced gender bias in government policy. I was arrested and charged without hearing my side of the story, her own extensive violent history was ignored, evidence I said I had was ignored, her previous court ruling to seek mental health treatment for her violent nature also ignored. 6 months of emotional torture later ended when the prosecution dropped the charges before I could even plea not guilty. No apology, no consequences for my partner who committed perjury in her statement. No consequences for law enforcement who ignored my evidence, who also committed perjury by exaggerating her statements and fabricated others in official documents presented to the courts. Now I will fight back and not rest until the police are held to account which means bringing down the system that had allowed this to happen. An uphill battle with next to no support because of support for the flawed system by both men and women. The men who do fight are the men that have been attacked and unfortunately this is a very small minority. Women gather in mobs to fight social injustice against women, an attack on other women becomes their battle, when it happens to men, those that are not directly impacted turn a blind eye. Ignorance is bliss.

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Thanks for your excellent comment and sorry to hear you have been put through the wringer. Kudos to you for fighting back. Most are so relieved to be out of the grip of the abuser and the third party abusers that they avoid this altogether. I hope you have heard of DAVIA? If not, you can find them here. https://endtodv.org/

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Thanks for the link Tom, unfortunately I’m in Australia which has very little male advocacy resources available and those that are, are run by volunteers. I hope that will change one day with people like you raising awareness and challenging feminist ideology. People who want true gender equality, equal rights and the restoration of the presumption of innocence.

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Slightly off topic, but I think it's important to drop this here: feminist cat ladies discuss how to poison men that vote for Trump:


I will stay away from Starbucks from now on

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Sadly this is all true. So what can be done about? 1. We need to confront the gynocentrism when is surfaces directly. Will you be accused of misogyny? Of course and respond by pointing out that the cry of gynocentrism is used when a man makes a truthful statement about the world that a woman can make no coherent argument to refute. Thank the woman for admitting she is wrong and refuse to engage further with her on any issue. 2. Women who refuse to acknowledge men's needs/rights as explained here need to be immediately confronted for their OWN sexism and be told that until such time as men's issues, rights and needs are given equal weight to those of women that you will NOT support ANY programming for women...no matter how worthy. This includes such issues as domestic violence, equal opportunity in the workplace, sexual harassment and rape, and abortion. If men will have no right to safety, equal opportunity in the work place, freedom from sexual harassment (including false accusations of harassment) etc. then you will NOT support women in these instances. Watch as the women's heads explode and they seek therapy.

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