I gotta’ wax sardonic here; it’s been one of those weeks: A major threat to society, nay civilization, gets “dignified by pronouns”!Erstwhile the rest of us, thanks to P. C. “Baloney” (Plant Based), can’t see Warner Brothers “LOONEY TOONS”, and neitherBob Hope Movies, nor Peter Sellers “PINK PANTHER” Movies.

The real “LOONEY TOONS” have taken over!

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This is a terrible story as well as a ridiculous one. Latin "ridire" means to laugh. But it is no laughing matter. It is the woke who put women at the mercy of offenders like this "she / her" person, and the woke would see nothing absurd here and do not care about the pain they cause. Our sex / gender is what we say it /they is /are. This moronic creed has permeated the legal and justice system and shows us who really runs the country. Thanks for posting, Tom.

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Well said Alllen.

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We better get serious and grow up. Politely complaining about being politely hemmed in is about the saddest thing I've seen recently.

If the judge wants to play along with these theatre kids, we'd better up our own acting skills. We better start finding smart and spicy ways to mock them right back with a wink and a grin to make sure they know we know what their up to. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

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It seems to me the conduct of the judge on this matter is so egregious as to warrant an immediate appeal to the federal courts with removal of the judge and change of venue required.

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The inmates are in charge of the California insane asylum.

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Good point!

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Why should I care? This is what feminsts fought for. F*ck 'em.

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