From what I see on social media, younger women are even more opposed to marriage and children, even as we older women who drank the Kool-Aid try to warn them against feminist useful idiocy.

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Jun 26Liked by Tom Golden

I thought whilst reading this article were: 'why cannot society tolerate that 'anyone' can be 'anything' at 'any age'???!!! There are many other thoughts and one other is: Media, in general, is informing us about many things but also filling our heads with untested nonsense...

I also find the article mentioned: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13435575/PETRONELLA-WYATT-single-childless-Feminism-failed-generation.html

interesting as it is the first time of dipping my toe in and out of the Daily Mail that it is paywalled!!!

It is the first article from the Daily Mail that I've been asked 'to sign up' if I wanted to continue reading.. that in itself says a lot!!!

I'm glad that the comments have reached 1.5K and there are many counter comments..

I'm reminded that I am starting to see how The Media is just one propaganda machine giving out untested opinions from people who call themselves Journalists.

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I’m finding it very difficult to find any sympathy for these rogue females as they VERY WELL KNOW what they are choosing when they say “all men are rapists” because that would include their fathers, brothers and sons! They do it simply because it gives them everything they can think of from innocent men. And there is NO LIMIT to the simps lining up to help them continue this insanity!

Have fun with your cats and boxed wine!

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Led on by the treachery of others, eh?

Nope. They got on the promised gravy train without ever once wondering what their privilege and unfair advantage was costing anyone else. Now they've come face to face with what it's cost *them* and suddenly it's taken seriously?

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Many good things came from the suffrage movement. However, in the early 20th century the three leaders were lesbians and that had an impact on the direction of the movement, which I think did mislead heterosexual women. Throughout history there has been a pattern of male supremacy and female subjugation, and where that continues, in my view it is a form of 'toxic masculinity.' Masculinity is not inherently toxic, only extreme stereotypes that shackle the person from expressing those parts deemed not to align with societal expectation is in fact toxic. There are tradeoffs in society, women bond differently, they are not as driven to reach the top of the career ladder (some are though), but their emotional nature also can exclude them from leadership roles. I think it is important to look at these tradeoffs, because what women are gaining on the swings, they can lose on the roundabouts. Hurt men deserve help and support, but they have to communicate in ways that shine a light on their situations. So, many times I have tried to enter with empathy and found men did not open up but retreated further. Lots of work to do in these areas.

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Jun 26Liked by Tom Golden

Someone here needs to read 'The Myth of Male Power'.

To start with, anyway.

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Jun 28Liked by Tom Golden

I listened to a long interview with the author. Really hits the nail on the head on most issues. A few gaps though.

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"So, many times I have tried to enter with empathy and found men did not open up but retreated further."

Then you are going about it in the wrong way.

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I don't think so. I think the reticence has been programmed since childhood into boys. Not my fault. I listened to interview with the author of The Myth of Male Power, he hit a lot of great points. And, for the most part he presents a balanced perspective, a couple of important gaps though that he overlooked.

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Have you considered Rita that it may have a bit to do with hormones?

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Of course, hormones affect personality. After menopause women have generally no progesterone, estrogen that is made by fat cells, doesn't have the same effect as estradiol, and low testosterone. So, viewing femininity through the lens of hormones will be very dynamic. Society forgets that women are valid as females after menopause, but how they express themselves is very different than when they were girls. Men go through a different trajectory, and I know testosterone starts to wane even in the twenties. So, our personalities are impacted by these hormonal movements. It often seems like the two arcs start at different points, are closest in middle age and go in different directions again.

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>Not my fault.

It almost certainly is and it won't change while you hold that attitude.

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Such bitterness does not help bridge the divide.

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Your words...

"So, many times I have tried to enter with empathy and found men did not open up but retreated further."

But you won't listen. If it's your common experience maybe you're going about it in the wrong way. A man suggests this to you and you want to argue about it.

Rinse and repeat.

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One thing to consider Rita, is the role of (young) women in promoting stereotypical and extreme forms of masculinity. The thug 'player' is quite popular with the younger women who want to spend time with him, and then of course have his child.

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High estrogen meets high testosterone, the early phase of the arc.

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