Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

I can't read most of these articles anymore. The lies are so blatant I feel physically ill when I read them. Western society has been sick for decades and is on a path of self destruction. This bigotry cannot continue without there being some kind of implosion.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Tom Golden

I'm starting to understand your anger Mark.

I did a little research on Amanda Rishworth and while it might read as exciting and career good and she has achieved a lot, she cannot do what she wants with her, now two boys, without her husband taking on 'most of the parental leave'..

I'm becoming horribly cynical I find.. or am I an old jealous idiot!!

She wants her career and her job as well and there is even a photo of her with ex Prime Minister - Bob Hawke - who I once admired - but he basically was a womaniser ..

I don't blame these people for 'going for it' but the Image of wanting to save Women on the one hand; while owning properties etc., and having money on the other hand is such a long way from the poor working man that Labor promotes and she enjoys as party to a group that enjoy the spoils of the Patriarchy while criticising it at the same time.

Please correct me if I'm off course.. the more I read on this woman and the 'good she wants to do' the more I want to scream... I stop now..

for this comment I saw the followings:



and I googled her husbands name and her name together: timothy walker Amanda rishworth

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I have photos of myself with Hawke, Keating, both Creans, G & M Whitlam, both female premiers of Victoria and many more. It is no claim to fame.

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Not good. Just another feminist rip-off of boys and men. Never NEVER trust the fem-marxist governments of Amerika, Britain, Canada, Australia, NZ, or western Europe. They are the enemy.

23M is chump change, the gov just gave HALF A BILLION to fembots and females for more Total Feminism. Chump change so they can hate and persecute us more. We are the Chumps.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

>What do you think of this?

I feel really bad for the boys and men who will "enjoy" this "early intervention program".

I'd call it abuse on top of abuse.

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Yes, it's 23M to assure us -- again -- that we are The Problem and that we Need To Do Better, i.e., become more subservient to Karen and learn our designated place.

This is the result of women, especially white women, being shielded from consequences and responsibilities for sixty years. Karen and KareNation no longer have any frame-of-reference for consequences of malevolent actions, because dotter-daddy (in collusion with the State) have not allowed consequences take place. Muh Princess!

Only strong, free men can stand against the State, and the State knows it well.

Women are not a threat. Eventually the State will jettison Karen, no longer finding her of use, nor of need, in the Total War on Maleness. And as the Ring abandoned Gollum, the State will let Karen rot alongside whatever remains of masculinity, particularly white masculinity.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

saw a German documentary on German television that how during the East German / East Berlin times there were 'teenagers' put in jails for 'disobeying'.. males and females... this Intervention Program reminds me of that..

Maybe this is the type of thing that @Steven Damian Imparl is referring to??? below...!!!

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

Whenever I think it can't get any worse I look at what's happening in Australia.

I have started noticing an interesting trend among a few friends who also have teenage sons. They have started commenting how their sons are becoming conservative. I think the swing to the right is a natural reaction to the woke ideology they hear in the classroom. At least now, if they have a phone, they also have access to alternative viewpoints. In my son's case, these alternative points of view better reflect the reality he sees.

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>> Whenever I think it can't get any worse I look at what's happening in Australia.

I've come to *expect* worse every year.

All those feminists in academia and "rights" bodies have to do a little bit of work to justify their existence, and the little bit of work they do is to use the same old lies to find new ways to: find female "victims", accuse all men, then get paid to "fix" the new problems.

This $23M isn't going to do anything other than provide paid "work" for feminists.

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Oct 7Liked by Tom Golden

There has been huge swings to the Right here in Germany and Austria and people are shocked.. AND people don't seem to accept this Democracy now.. they object that these parties get in.. I'm not disagreeing but hey.. you wanted Democracy and bought the narrative so either accept it of try and change it to a different system rather than rail against the system...

I think that here in Switzerland the left parties might be running scared somewhat now..

I saw this comment somewhere: "I'd love to vote on policies instead of people. Politicians have become political performance artists repeating what they see on Twitter. I can't take them seriously."

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I love the idea of voting for policies not people. That would shift things a bit wouldn't it?

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Absolutely it would have to shift things a bit.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

This gave me 'Clockwork Orange' vibes to be honest. The State wants full control of these boys, and that's never something to be trusted.

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More of the Feminazi blitzkrieg against men. It's time for men to cease all cooperation with efforts to reduce violence against women until women are required to address violence against men and to hold women accountable for their conduct in the same way that men are.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

You address a overlooked point by most in the public and attacked by the misindrants that promote it for making people aware. Thanks. This problem is much larger as educational institutions and the criminal justice system are entrenched with these biased anti male programs.

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Sep 30·edited Oct 1Liked by Tom Golden

As of 30 September 2024 the population of Australia is 27,432,300 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Australia (I wonder if I am still counted as I don't live there currently?).

They say: “This year, 47 women have lost their lives to violence” and that is 0.000001713% of the Australian population.

I went here: https://www.aic.gov.au/publications/sr/sr46

I looked at the excel table: ‘Homicide victims 1989–90 to 2022–23’ and looked at Table B3: Homicide victims by sex, 1989–90 to 2022–23 and it says:

2020–21 155 male victims / 73 female victims a total of 228 victims of homicide.

I found the population of Australia here: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/population/historical-population/2021 and calculated that at 2021 the population was 25'680'562 which means 0.000887835% of the Australian population were the victims of Homicide.

Now I suspect I’ve not been 100% accurate and I’m not going any deeper than this. But I have proven to myself that while 228 victims of homicide is 228 to many, that in such a big country whose government is complaining about 47 females dying of domestic violence that this number is nothing – I’m sorry to say it so bluntly. Statistics can prove anything and be abused.

So I thought I’d try to find other stats and found this page: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/recorded-crime-victims/2023

And it says that there has been an increase of 5% from 2022 to 2023 in ‘homocide and related offences’. I will let you the reader, read this page. It becomes to much to type for me but it seems contradictory??

I found this interesting: There were 3,380 victims of blackmail/extortion recorded in Australia in 2023, an increase of 56% (1,217 victims) from the previous year.

I remember reading this: Woman jailed for $200,000 superannuation hardship scam


** superannuation is ‘private pension fund’**

This was in the mix: Aussie woman arrested in Turkiye on terror charges


and this one is about a woman trying to kill her own grandmother (a female!!) so not even trying to kill a member of the patriarch!!

‘Homicidal ideation’: Woman’s chilling act month before allegedly attacking grandmother with knife


And last but not least.. apparently ‘her buttons were pressed’.

Dog trainer Courtnie Donlan’s shocking videos after bloody stabbing attack


so back to this article… and sorry to go off track, maybe, but I wanted to see for myself…..what a sham and scam and a travesity this is of this 23Million.

Like Mark Dent said: this is sickening..

there is more to say.. but enough of this comment.

Edit: I left out a URL and now inserted..

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Oh hell yes. When we do our own research we find out the real story. If you rely on the media you will get a narrative....Great work Jamie.

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Sep 30Liked by Tom Golden

Maybe I'm wrong, but it would be mostly men that are doing the violence and that is the problem with the reporting.. I realise now that I did a sexual violence survey last year and the violation was by a man.. therefore, I've inadvertently- but honestly - named 'men' as the violent ones.. but they use that I've realised.. it is dirty tactics..

I am sure that Tom and Janice and others have talked about this.. in a survey one doesn't always get to answer 'all violence one has experienced'.. their questions do this. Jim Nuzzi talks about this also, I think...

I can only encourage Men to expose all violence they have experienced, either directly or indirectly and name all the 'genders'.. I have to admit, and I now do it deliberately, telling people of how a woman punched my female Boss in the face.. when talking about the 'gender violence'.. I'm sure I'm viewed as strange 'one' but I think we must do this.. I'm trying more and more to be honest about violence done to me or have witnessed and more so if it is female related violence.. Female boss underpaying female colleague; female colleague walking out of reconciliation meetings about bullying.. that sort of thing...

Thanks Tom.

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Yes, it is men doing much of the violence. Why is that? One reason is that men are built to be the ones who protect and this means be ready for trouble if there is any. The vast majority of men are able to handle the strength and stress. Less than 1% of men are doing out of control violence and yet all men get lumped into that. <1%! Not too bad! men are good.

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Also, when the feminists talk about abuse they are only referring to physical violence. They don't bother to address emotional abuse. Women are much more likely to use guilt and shame to get what they want, and unfortunately, if it doesn't leave a visible bruise it isn't counted as domestic violence.

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nicely worded and what I was referring to in another comment of mine.. the survey I did, didn't refer to 'non physical' if I remember correctly.. they are f*cking sneaky shitheads these people...

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Oct 3Liked by Tom Golden

Note that the funding includes remote areas of Australia so they will be targeting Aboriginal communities. They won't say that of course because it's racist.

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Oct 1Liked by Tom Golden

The hatred of all things male is blatant in this latest campaign and I still ask when will women also be blamed and shamed (as men increasingly are whether innocent or guilty) for DV. Women need to be taking some responsibility and accountability as they often start the violence, they often keep returning to their partner after claiming abuse, they use cruel threats such as taking his children never to see them again (now easily court backed) and then take (or get awarded) everything but the clothes on his back. It’s just too easy these days to blame the man and now it’s even easier to incarcerate them , and all the while the children are suffering and these vile women get supported by agencies far and wide. The feminist movement is a hate movement and just keeps the perpetual victim mentality alive and kicking in women.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1Liked by Tom Golden

two thoughts:

1. it seems that feminists want women to be on the top of the hierarchy and even above men BUT their way of achieving this (amongst many other things maybe) is to destroy men rather than get there by their own achievements. The best Lion wins by fighting a fair fight. Feminists are winning by using Government to control men and citizens in general rather than a fair 'the strongest survives'. Men are allowing this to happen, think more on those in Authorities and those men already at the Top - maybe - because they are not smart enough to see what is going down OR they think they are at the top anyway and therefore satisfying their own Instincts to be At The Top; and the Men (and females) give the Feminists, in this case, power because they "hold a legal monopoly on the use of physical force against legally disarmed victims."

This means that I/We can feel a huge amount of despair because the government is not acting logically or on behalf of ALL citizens fairly.

2. government services are not businesses. I learned this from the likes of an Austrian Economist/Mises Institute when reading a lot about Free Market Capitalism. The State will make government services look like Business but they are not. In the real world these services produce nothing that is actually sold. They will tell us, act like: they are running like a Corporation but in actual fact they are not a proper producing Corporation/Business like the Telephone company or Steel Company or Oil Company etc., etc., I hope you get my thought here.. The so called Service might say they have/had X amount of customers but they are not really customers as such; they are people using the Service and not paying for it. If the Service isn't doing well then government gives them continuous funds, whereas in a Capitalistic Free Trade (Ayn Rand, Ludwig von Mises style) the service should go under as it is not really selling anything nor making an actual profit.. BUT government disguises all this to justify THEIR keeping it alive and propping up the own jobs.

So, in 1 & 2 above, it is the Governments who 'hold the legal monopoly' that give 1 & 2 the ability to do whatever they want and/or keep it alive, despite - Tom's article brings this to our attention >>> the statistics being used to justify allocating $23,000,000 of tax payers money that some might not appreciate being spent in this way, BUT, the government has that 'legal monopoly' by holding a gun at everyones heads and this includes females who don't agree with how Tax Payers money is spent either.. Just think... we hand over all this power by not voting for such things but voting for a Party who makes all these decisions on 'our behalf'........

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Exactly Jamie!

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Re point 1 - feminism has long sought to get to the top not by building women and girls up, but by tearing men and boys down. The reason is - its easier. Teaching girls to be good at STEM is hard - giving them higher marks for 'emotional intelligence' is easy. Plus there is the spite factor.

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Thank you for the good example this fine tuning my comment.

I like your own post on your substack about Media and how journalism is prejudice.

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Thanks Jamie :)

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As disturbing as this news is, I am heartened to see men and boys finally standing up for their rights.

Sadly, modern women have really been poisoned by man-hating, left-wing ideologues that want to destroy civilization. In a somewhat different setting, the Nuremberg Trials tried and punished that kind of hateful behavior.

That's a valid comparison, especially when one looks back even further in history, to the infamous Nuremberg Laws that planted many of the toxic seeds of racism and genocide in Europe. The devils of the 1930s and 1940s have returned, hiding in clothing that looks a little different.

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I am not sure what you are saying. How are the boys standing up for their rights?

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Perhaps Steven was referring to recent reports, in several places, including Janice Fiamengo, that boys are rejecting the anti-masculine messaging in schools, such as "Respectful Relationships", either consciouscly and thoughtfully, or just viscerally - as evidenced by the programs themselves lamenting the growing influence of people like Andrew Tate, and growing 'misogyny" evidenced by, for example, " 43 percent of boys deny there's a link between sexist jokes and VAW".

Good on you, lads!

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Yes, I read the comment the same way. Boys are thinking for themselves and that terrifies those who would control them.

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I'm cautiously optomistic about this. Domestic violence DOES come from childhood trauma, so dealing with this for boys is a good thing. Of course the idea that most trauma comes from men (95 per cent of male victims, 94 per cent of female victims) is absurd, even women don't claim any such thing in the victimisation stats. Until the fatherless generation is addressed, don't expect things to get better.

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Ok, but why only the boys? Both males and females who are abused as children are much more likely to abuse. Why only focus on half the problem?

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Well, I'll play devil's advocate and say its because boys and girls deal with trauma in different ways. Boys tend to deal with it through activity - get them on a mat, or a football field, or into Scouts, get them to feel supported and open up that way, while girls will want to talk in groups more and share their feelings and be surrounded by people saying, "me too!" But in any case there is billions here in Oz for services for women and girls, 23 million for men and boys is a start. I certainly agree with your suspicion it won't be properly spent.

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Yes, and the "treatment" these boys will be getting will surely be the feminine mode. ugh

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2Liked by Tom Golden

NEVER treat victims as though they are perpetrators. In Aus we already have thousands of suicides among male victims of child sexual abuse. This will only make it worse. Among Australian male victims I'm one of the lucky ones - in my sixties and still alive.

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Well I hope I am wanting to treat childhood trauma for its own sake, but you are right in that there is a consistent victim-blaming element to the narrative around boys.

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Oct 2·edited Oct 2

The whole thing is built upon what we call the "vampire syndrome". Once bitten they will do the same to others. The help on offer will only really be about helping those who are not them and is in line with guidelines issued by the US APA which are obviously being replicated here.

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Oct 1·edited Oct 1


Minister for Social Services Amanda Rishworth

Rishworth studied psychology at Flinders University where she was president of the students' union before furthering her studies at the University of Adelaide with a master's degree in clinical psychology. She then became a practising psychologist in 2005 working in the delivery of mental health care to the community.


does this mean she gets to act out her Pet Subject of being a Psychologist? Save the world type of thing?

I thought psychologist's had to be really good with Statistics? Amanda failed it seems....

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