How about A Call to Blacks? A Call to Asians? A Call to Women? In which the starting premise is that women, blacks or Asians are innately toxic, damaged and in need to fixing? How long would such a proposition last?

I am so sick to the point of exhaustion by this disgusting bigotry which is being promoted on such a massive mainstream platform. It is endless. I see it everywhere, every day.

How and when will this nightmare end? Unlike the overthrow of a tyrannical regime with a violent uprising this insidious poison is so deeply embedded in the society's psyche that the very people being subjugated are the ones most likely to defend those who have their stilettos on their throats.

It is hopeless.

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Let's hope not hopeless....but I share your pessimism.

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This is a very useful method: going through a primary source of feminist ideology, an "official" document" (instead of summarizing general themes), and then challenging the text one sentence or word after another. I've used case studies of misandry throughout my research. The cumulative effect of these is far more convincing to readers, I think, than one secondary source could ever be. This is not only about your musings on feminist ideology, in other words, but also about what feminist ideologues themselves say (on the assumption, of course, that their adversaries won't notice the absurdities, contradictions and lies).

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Thanks Paul. And their own words will do them in.

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I hope any man that disagrees with this stops donating to any charity unless he has done good research to find out where the money goes to. Check web pages to see who is involved.

During a recent event in Switzerland the host named some organisations that ‘supported’ a charitable organisation but I thought ‘ hang on those organisations are government departments or agencies and they ‘probably’ get tax payers money , that is then past on!!! be very aware of this when giving money. Your money !!

Crossing the road with a mate in Sydney many years ago I indicated I would give money to Salvation Army for veterans. He put me firmly in place by saying ‘your taxes helped pay for the military and wars why give a second time?’

I’ve never given money to Salvation Army again. However. Maybe there are Veterans organisations that you know the veterans get direct assistance?

Tom did an interview recently with Bill Corbit ? Who assists Men

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Thirty-five years since the 'Promise Keepers' promised to further burden and disgrace men, while promising females a continued life of command, privilege, irresponsibility and expectation of groveling sacrifice made by men to their 'better halves'.

Not to mention appropriating my (patriarchal) God for use by girls and women. Adolescent 'chivalry' masking vanity and voluntary subjugation to females, via filled football stadiums.

Nor is any help to be looked-for outta the 'conservative' men, who are as teenage-pimply blind towards female empowerment and hegemony as a horny 13-year-old attending his first sweaty, shaky 'date'.

It is to laugh, then spit ptooey! in total disgust at the grift-a-thon. A nation of cowardly, weak men seeking after the next predatory scam to run on boys and men.

Now we arrive in endless loop at 'A Call To Men' and yuppers, it's Grifters all the way down. I just want to slap them all. Hard.

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Very well said Michael!

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Cheers amigo. Keep your chin up.

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At 15:30 he says when fathers are in the home there less violence. Violence from whom?

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Most of the research shows that adolescent males are less violent with dads in the home. Here are some studies:

1. National Fatherhood Initiative:

The National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI) has published numerous reports on the role of fathers in children's lives. Their research indicates that children in father-absent homes are at significantly higher risk for engaging in violent behavior and delinquency.

Source: National Fatherhood Initiative, "Father Facts," 2021.

Link to report.

2. Journal of Marriage and Family:

A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that father involvement is associated with lower levels of behavioral problems in children, including aggression and violence.

Study: Carlson, M. J. (2006). Family structure, father involvement, and adolescent behavioral outcomes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68(1), 137–154.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2006.00239.x

3. Children in Father-Absent Homes and Juvenile Delinquency:

This study looks into how the absence of fathers correlates with an increased likelihood of delinquency and violent behavior among adolescents.

Study: Harper, C. C., & McLanahan, S. S. (2004). Father absence and youth incarceration. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 14(3), 369-397.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2004.00079.x

4. Research from the U.S. Department of Justice:

The U.S. Department of Justice has conducted studies on family structure and juvenile crime. Their research highlights how children from single-parent homes, particularly those without a father present, are more likely to engage in violent crime.

Source: U.S. Department of Justice, "Family Structure and Juvenile Delinquency," 1999.

Link to report.

5. The Role of Fathers in Reducing Child Delinquency:

This meta-analysis of father involvement found that fathers play a critical role in reducing child delinquency, especially in terms of violent and antisocial behaviors.

Study: Sarkadi, A., Kristiansson, R., Oberklaid, F., & Bremberg, S. (2008). Fathers' involvement and children's developmental outcomes: A systematic review of longitudinal studies. Acta Paediatrica, 97(2), 153-158.

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Oh ok. It's looking at a different kind of violence.

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