Thank you for the opportunity to talk about my new research project!

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You may find the following web page useful...


The chap running it - Dominique Eisold - updates very regularly. Track and field is a great sport for this type of analysis because it tests simple skill sets.

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Thanks Greg. Excellent resource. I wish he had is so it was easier to get a quick comparison. Very extensive listings though. Pretty impressive.

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"I wish he had is so it was easier to get a quick comparison."

I can probably do that. Dumping the data into a spreadsheet might be an interesting task. What sort of comparisons would you like to see?

I originally found this resource when looking to compare boys' performances with womens' world records.

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Thanks, Greg. The range between records for different places was surprising.

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Always good to talk to you Jim. Maybe if people have questions they can ask you in the comments section?

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Yes, absolutely.

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I dont have any money for your gofundme, but I do have time if you want some assistance

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