Well said Tom.

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I'm halfway through the video and already feel I have to comment. It's amazing yet not surprising that the women mental health professionals Dr. Spier describes working, who are mostly miserable, and many are unmarried/childless, yet these intelligent women, ostensibly educated in the workings of the human mind (to help clients learn how to make changes to improve their lives), are unable to consider that these problems could be linked.

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Amazing isn't it?

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P.S. I'd click the like on your comment, but lately substack doesn't seem to be registering/counting it when I do.

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Thank you, Tom, Janice, and Dr. Spier.

I agree that feminism creates psychopathy, although I would argue that they had a baseline level of psychopathy already present, that led them to the psychopathy of feminism.

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So true Frank. Reminds me of the interview Janice and I did of Carrie Gress. She taught us a good deal about the psychopathology of the feminist leaders. A real eye opener. https://menaregood.substack.com/p/the-end-of-woman-how-smashing-the

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Thank you, Tom, I will take a look.

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We are constantly adapting to a cultural transition that began some 50 years ago. The transition has now reached the point of being further entrenched with more observable neurosis. Madness.

We are witnessing the effects of top-down corporate-government enacted and sponsored social change however sold as (unilateral) equality between the sexes. Those forced measures were not consented to and spawned a disguised soft totalitarian infrastructure.

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I am comparing Feminism and NPD. so far I find no difference

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Yes, many of the leaders in the 20th century had significant mental problems.

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Feminism was just jelousy by a few American Lennie Kravitz fans who wanted his pay rate. No philosophical underpinnings or pondering of a valid model for society. Brainless pretence that I am the same as him. It was always nonsense.

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Agree. It is shocking how much damage they have been able to do.

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To put it another way: does psychopathology create psychopathology?

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Indeed Steve! Good to see you. For those of you who don't know Steve, he is the professional videographer that filmed the feminist protest of the Warren Farrell talk in Canada. It was featured in the Red Pill Movie:


His youtube channel has been banned more than once I think and now is here


This channel has been the source for much of Janice Fiamengo's Fiamengo File work

Always good to see you Steve!

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Thanks for this really interesting and insightul perspective.

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You are very welcome Tania, thanks for having a look.

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This is a story I would not have imagined. I was struck by the response of HS's colleagues to her return. (I see Trish's comment below; I had a similar response.) Very honest and inspiring, really good. Hats off to her husband for his reaction, too.

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great interview with Hannah and thanks to the three of you.

Thanks to Hannah I now feel confirmed that Feminism is alive and well here in Switzerland.

I didn't realise it had taken over so much.

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Oh it gets much worse, the trends reach us somewhat slower but we don’t have a countermovement. For example, my husband’s at one of the big banks and he says networking has become very challenging since all the events are exclusively for women. Not to mention affirmative action.

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What a horror!!

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Tom! How did we get there?

Simply look at the articles published in women's magazines in the 1970, 80, 90 and the pop psychological quizzes.

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One feature of feminism is its agenda to dominate academic settings in order to promote its selfish motives, principally one of which is the denial of the psychological trait of gynocentrism and its consequences for all societies. This helps to explain why feminists are so hostile to evolutionary psychology

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Well said. Gynocentrism runs silent and it runs deep.

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They're hostile to evolutionary psychology because it undermines their central tenet that gender is a social construct.

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The ideology doesn't only apply to gender or genderism. The broader notion is referred to as blankslatism.

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Indeed. Just the idea that there is such a thing as human nature is anathema to feminists, cultural marxists, and their fellow travellers.

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Long and erudite discussion. Had I been asked the questionthat comprises the title of this piece, I think I could have answered it in one word: Yes. ALthough that would have been both accurate and succinct, it would have played havoc with the discussion, so perhaps it was a good thing I was not part of the panel.

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It might have been a short answer but it would also have been true.

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I grew up in the 1950's when women were treated like second-class citizens. Working class women never had the luxury of not working a job. If you were able to afford to stay home, you paid the price by being subject to your husband's whims. If you suffered domestic violence, priests and police told you it was your fault, and to stay home and obey your husband. Women couldn't get credit cards until the 1970's. and on and on. We needed feminism then and we need it to retain our rights now. Wake up, women.

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I also grew up im the 1950's and have a very different memory. All of my teachers in the early grades were beloved and female. The Principal of my elementary school was female and all loved her, including the two male teachers. The workforce prior to WWII in the US was 25% female. At his point it is 47% so yes, it has increased but it came from an already established base of women choosing to work. My own mother was raised on a humble farm in the south and had lots of siblings. She was recruited by a city law firm with the offer of paying for law school if she would work for them. She told them to pound sand and did what she wanted which was to become a teacher. The feminist lies are horrid and have been accepted by millions of unsuspecting people. Don't be one of them.

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You aren't a woman.

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not a woman? What difference does that make when I am simply relating what I saw as a boy. Try another way to negate my memory of history. That one doesn't work too well.

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You have a very rosy view. That wasn't my experience.

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I am a woman, and I recall my childhood neighborhood in the 1960s-70s. Most of the women were stay-home wives/mothers. But we also had women in our town who did work. Some ran businesses, some had jobs. Some moms worked part time. They even had a club called The Busy Women (busy as in business), which had both social functions and community projects. The Busy Women club included wives (my mother took me to some meetings when I was in high school). The focus was on how these women could contribute to our town.

One of my neighbors was an elderly woman we all called Docky because she had been a doctor. In fact, Docky had earned her medical degree around the year 1900.

What I don't remember is women who took one path (worker or wife) trying to pressure another woman to change her life path (in the way Hannah Spier describes at her workplace). Since most moms were home during times kids weren't at school, there were opportunities for hanging out with the moms (I learned to love coffee while listening to the moms talk among themselves). These women were perfectly able to complain about a variety of things, but I don't remember complaints about being at the mercy of their men's whims.

The women I remember being unhappy - and sowing discontent - were the divorcees. One example was the mother of one of my classmates. I would see her and her kids at the local beach. One day, when I was 11, I ran into her. She told me she was getting divorced, and then said, "That day I saw you at the beach last week was the day we split up." This gave me a crushing feeling that she wanted me to know that I was somehow involved in such a dramatic and tragic event. It troubled me for years.

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Thanks for this Trish. It's the history that has been trash binned. Some folks just get a spasm when they hear this sort of thing. It ain't the history they know is true. LOL

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Thanks, Tom. What amazes me is that a lot of this history has been shoved in the bin by people old enough to have first-hand memories of how things were.

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Indeed, and sadly we are running out of people with first hand memories of the actual history who might speak out.

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They still have those first-hand memories, but once they've been exposed to feminist thinking, they interpret them differently. They start seeing their whole life in retrospect through that feminist lens, which distorts everything into male oppression. My father put it quite well in a posthumous letter about his abusive wife: "The general view of life (or rather our life together) is increasingly one of fantasy. Incidents over the whole of our married life are dug up, dissected, and explained by a fantasy interpretation which it is impossible to dispel. If it were only a few incidents, perhaps there would have been some opportunity to get it straight, but it is the whole fabric which is distorted. It emerges as me being, throughout our married life, totally selfish and self-centred..."

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<Women couldn't get credit cards until the 1970's?>

Credit cards started appearing in 1959, and in my country started being advertised in the 1970s. Even then a person had to meet certain criteria to obtain one. Husbands were and still are responsible for the debts incurred.

The debtors prison.

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That is the script you were taught that has been used to brainwash you.

It is emotive and deliberately so because logic and rational thought are locked in the trunk once emotions are driving.

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Not only that, it's easier than taking the time to learn to use logic, and to deploy it. It's also far more satisfying than realizing and admitting that you were incorrect about something.

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I learnt to listen to what my body told me, and then question why it was reacting a certain way. I learnt if I was reacting emotionally or my emotions were triggered to look very deeply, and often it indicated I was being manipulated.

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This is worth noting. Class analysis and economic analysis must always be kept in the mix. It is laughable that today's leftists leave this out except when it suits the agenda. Often times a simple class/economic analysis cuts to the core of an issue.

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quote<First, the representation of the war itself was carefully designed to appeal to women. The brutal German invasion of Belgium in August 1914 was immediately characterized as a 'rape', and graphic images of sexual assault and the torture of women and children began to pour out of the occupied territories,......... the 'Rape of Belgium' brought forth evocative images of women in danger>unquote

during WW 1 the words used to describe the German invasion of Belgium are so similar to the words that have been used to convince you about what you have written.

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Alison, are you a soldier or a scout? (ted talk)

A significant part of the tactics used by feminists has been to demonise the male gender. To achieve this they take the worst actions of a small minority of men and then extrapolate them to the whole male gender. This is the female bullying tactic of relational aggression, aimed at reputation destruction.

You mention domestic violence, Erin Pizzey when she opened her first refuge found that out of 100 women, 60 were as violent, if not more violent than the men they had left.

DV research went downhill, and researchers developed certain methodologies to hide the percentage of female offenders, such as not collecting data or avoiding asking certain questions.

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<you paid the price by being subject to your husband's whims.>

Really??? This was written in 1590;

quote<“don’t we see that men’s rightful task is to go out to work and wear themselves out trying to accumulate wealth, as though they were our factors or stewards, so that we can remain at home like the lady of the house directing their work and enjoying the profit of their labors? That, if you like, is the reason why men are naturally stronger and more robust than us — they need to be, so they can put up with the hard labor they must endure in our service.”2>unquote

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In a previous comment I mentioned 'desires'.

is it so that it is only men that have desires?

Not a woman has a desire, sexual I'm thinking now, and it is all just blamed on Men....

is that what these frigid feminists think like?

That ALL desires only come from men?

Am I reading this right that Women don't have desires of any kind..

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You all are lost in some fantasy of a bygone era.

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I couldn't be more impressed with Dr Spier and her personal story and integrity. A rare woman indeed.

That said I did have a double take around 46:56.

Men are victims of the romantic narrative and the absurdity of chivalry in 2024 yet no man has ever been in a marriage and "never put themselves in her shoes"

The psychopathy of seeing the world and everyone in it solely in terms of how it affects the self is a tenant of female nature. And is objectively dysfunctional at best for any role of import or responsibility - stats on the output of single mothers is a good example.

And the part about women "hiding" their deep seated fear of being ostracized from their In Group, while sympathetic and touching, is not justification for the abuse control of happy wife happy life all women impose upon those who love them and whom they profess to love themselves.

If these behaviors do indeed demonstrate psychopathy, is feminism really the root cause?

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Are you sure it is at 46:45? I looked at that part and didn't see anything that connects with your comment. Maybe I am missing something?

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The next stage of 1984 is to make the children the boss of the house, and this is happening NOW. Women won't even know what's up and down when this fully materializes. And only THEN will they know what if feels like to be a man...

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