<"While feminism simply denotes believing in the political, economic and social equality of the sexes,>"

That statement is the biggest lie ever. The rise of Carceral feminism is a testament to that.

Rob Okun is, in my opinion, the modern version of Don Quixote, tilting his manhood to windmills to rescue the weaker damsels in distress.

<"the responsibility of redoubling our efforts to hasten the end of patriarchy is still on us.>"

He would destroy the very thing that built his country, gave him the vote and ensured he was not one of the millions of infants who died from preventable diseases.

The structure of society that gave us sanitation and clean drinking water.

The logic of sinking the life raft on which everyone's lives and welfare depend astounds me.

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Feminist have long defined their movement to be about equality, but I think folks are waking up to the truth that it is really a supremacist cause, and feminists appear to be out of touch with reality.

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To my mind, the "Patriarchy Conspiracy theory" fits firstly neatly into the conspiracy theory playbook.

A frank appraisal of our ancestral history would demonstrate that, until at least the nineteenth century, it was a collaborative effort for our species to survive.

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Amazing that people think feminism is equality. It's more like equity: take from men, give to women; push down men, build up women. That's how feminists "even" the sides.

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Indeed. Love the life raft image.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.


Would the "Carceral feminism" supporters accept expanding crimes to those that mostly women do and immune from responsibility and punishment for?

While disgusted with the term of 'femicide' the UN, and corp-media uses, I came across a video of crime statistics that show a female is 8-times more likely to be murdered after birth by her mother then all life by a man. So many lies, censorship, out-of-context, male-disposability and male disregard! Remember that war harms women and children most - insanity.


My belief that a significant line was crossed when Western society and most peoples were raised to accept the clearly insane, damaging and darkening our intellect, destroying innocence, distorting all factors that protect us and help us to have Truth and God reflected as clearly in our soul as possible for our condition and station in life that we should be able too.

Weakened from deflecting other demonic-influences, we are open to other (all) soul damaging and possibly killing in the damage done in forced indoctrination & punishments for not, in acceptance of insanity of mothers hire Witches to torture to death our babies as Sacrifices to Satan and Sin.

(It seems that from the de-anchoring from Truth, that this goal was the target, for once society and world accepted that, then not limits to insanity and evil were closed to those minions of Satan and Hell.)


A Man's personal Reputation is significantly important, agreeably more so than for women, and it is unJust that False Accusations from women that often damage him, his family, all that are dependent on him, employer, .., society [as it so widespread], and when proven innocent - that Whisper-Web of lies and even name of police-lists (effecting Housing, Employment, services from businesses - like Banking, etc.) and often not known by him, and if so - what can he do.

Women are not punished at all or significant in relation to his damage, and often they are rewarded. This needs to change - that lying in general should cause significant punishment for anyone that does it - and best is public pain&shame such as restrained in public park and tasered to screaming and soiling themselves, starting at 15 YO and children 13 & 14 required to observe a few every year - what a better society and better people we would have.

Any no accusation believed and False-Witness punishment unless filed within 6 month of when the accuser claims it occurred - so political and other Profits are reduced, as with now Justice Kavenal (sp) and State of Sweden accusation against Assange [and against his 2 lover's statements of not-raped] for many reasons - more 1/2 Western population reject and revile him, extradition excuse, and likely more, and Bill Cosby - Western TV father and roll for many many younger [fatherlessness] children and young adults - to destroy Fatherhood in their and ours's souls more - because when young women got in line to do drugs and sex with him - many wanting him to divorce and marry them - and [Soros Funded?] women Prosecutor found some of them, and first trial was found innocent because of consent by Western Womanhood wanted his testicles anyway, so re-trial which seems like Double-Jeopardy, .. and many more public and even more private examples.

And the accused man's name is made public and accusing woman's are not - WTF is that but systematic legally codified man-hate?


I came across a study of Rape-Accusation by women filed with police, and it found around 80% were false. With that and the 1/3 of us Bastards found in a study of 90,000 children listed in National Blood Bank and 30,000 had wrong father listed.

Both these studies have been hidden by Google search, FBI removed the False-Rape study URL reference from Web-Site, and in UK the father must have permission from mother to test Parental Status, and many medical and other Professional know this Bastardry rate and suppress it .. as if the Sickness and Vileness of Womanhood is their goal - no Loving correction or social-men warning allowed and so intending to cause horror and suffering throughout society?

So, perhaps we should value a woman's testimony to the last 5 years Statistics for these two, and find similar for men's rate also, adjusting ours also?

'Islam is right about women'? When in some society's that stone to death False-Witnessers of both sexes, women testimony is still only 1/3 value of mans - were they correct in this?


If womanhood can be hated - it is in their destruction of Functional [no fault divorce] fatherlessness, and the delusional psychotic twisted exclusive raising and educating of boys where such a concept as a 'shit test' is not only inconceivable but we indoctrinated to the opposite. The life-destroy Betrayal of that which I have suffered could bring the concept of a Just world where God sends a real Pandemic to kill all women at menopause before they spent the rest of their 40+ years Vomiting Satanic life-love-joy-murdering Horror on children, young women, society, us all, and yes that means the death of many good valued women but from the sex that vote and encourage men to die for you and society, you women that Betray your children, fathers, yourselves, and us all, that increase horror and direct government to take more earned resources through taxes, increase wage suppression, destroy small business, .., from men & families - a society where you are justice-immune goddesses in, and such a Pandemic killing would give us the near assurance of a return of world-wide Sanity, Joy, Love, .. such would bring - either Repent , or .. well, F-U and die, then.

But not today - please.


God Bless., Steve

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"[Harris] didn't need to talk about feminism; she embodied it."

I believe this is what they call a 'self-own'.

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I laughed hard!

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"...white male supremacy..."

Don't forget feminist need to tie in racism. What about all the men of color who went for Trump? Does race override (can't say trump again) sex so these men are acceptable?

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Agree 100% with MS Magazine the Kamala Harris embodies feminism. Was selected as VP because of her race and gender. Was handed the nomination by a palace coup. Has no talent or political ambition. Well obviously she lost because of sex discriminaton and the evil patriarchy.

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The extreme feminists will never say die and will lie and leave out truth. Sadly people who don't actually listen to what Trump or anyone who doesn't agree with them has to say about uniting all will believe sadly and stay divided.

This type are like our commo Australian prime minister currently wanting to silence anyone who doesn't agree with his policies with the misinformation bill that if passed will destroy democracy and take all freedom of speech in our country. He thought he had us brainwashed enough to pass his Voice of division and we said NO . Now the little dictator is trying to punish and silence us .

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Good luck. May the people win.

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Mirror, mirror on the wall

If only they could see themselves in the mirror.

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How many times have I had this very thought??? It's almost like they are allergic to reflecting surfaces?

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I'm in my seventies. There hasn't been anything even vaguely like the 'patriarchy' in America since the Fifties. And even then, America was more just a balance of power between the sexes, and nothing like a real 'patriarchy'. The Fifties and Sixties were nirvana compared to the current post-feminist dystopia.

But the Empowered Ones must have a Patriarchal Strawman to beat on, because without that, their entire ideo-political purpose evaporates, and there no longer is any reason for the Raging Sisterhood to grasp after (yet more) power under the excuse that 'the Patriarchy oppresses women'.

Look around yourselves. You see any Patriarchal Men oppressing women? I don't. But in America, I damn sure do see females and their collective power oppressing men. The feminized corporations openly brag that they won't hire any more icky 'white males'. Guess who pushes and demands that norm?

The U.S., and many other Western nations, are gynarchies. Women rule ALL the institutions, and their word is law. Try getting a fair hearing in their feminist courtrooms, from the ubiquitous feminist judges practicing Feminist Jurisprudence. Yet this is not enough for them, they want complete control of men and men's lives 24/7. And if they had that . . . they'd be just as miserable as they are now, because they would have nothing to bitch about, and nobody to blame for their own faults and failings.

Feminism is a death cult. It puts the 'Eve' in evil.

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I love the "psychic wounds" part. I have seen a pack of "what do I tell my daughter?" pleas for sympathy. I was wondering, gee, mom, do you have to tell her anything? What is wrong with your daughter that, unlike so many her age, she doesn't live on social media 12 hours a day? How did she miss the election and the bad news? Didn't you teach her what the all-wise Barack Obama proclaimed a while back, i.e., that "elections have consequences"? Mom, elections have consequences, but elections are determined by how well a given candidate makes his or her case. Trump made his case every day. Harris didn't know what her case was, except, maybe, joyfulness. Quite a lot in the country she and Biden (remember him?) have been running does not inspire joy. Thanks, Tom; thanks, Warren. You are men who bring me joy.

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Amen. Thanks Allen.

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Thanks Tom for the comparison article from 'the other side'... a great thing to do..

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The dinosaurs are believed to have gone extinct when a massive asteroid hit the planet and killed all life on land larger than a beaver. When feminists go extinct, it will be because evolution determines that they were maladaptive to the survival of humanity. Remember that prior to the 19th century there were some 5000 distinct human societies on Earth. Precisely 4 of these were matriarchal and the rest were patriarchal. Evolutionary biologists interpret this as proof that there is extremely strong adaptive natural selection going on when you see that type of result. It's time women faced the fact....Mother Nature is patriarchal too!

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There were four matriarchies? Last estimate I saw was zero.

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Keep in mind the list of 5000 included some very small tribal societies.

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"...feminism simply denotes believing in the political, economic and social equality of the sexes..."

Feminism is an ideology that operates as the foundation for a movement whose aim is to advance what its participants consider to be the interests of women.

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"This is not the moment to invite men to learn what feminism really means; that’s for later." That's an ominous, thinly veiled threat.

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