Oct 15Liked by Tom Golden, Hannah Spier, MD

The best definition of "Misogyny" I have come across is "How dare you disagree with me!" by Thomas Ellis, author of the "The Rantings of a Single Male: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness... and Basically Everything,"

The accusation of Misogyny is "Check mate". the accusation is used to kill any debate.

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Exactly! How dare you disagree! Great summary.

I remember that book!

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Ellis also pointed out that it was a useless exercise to try and debate with them.

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Another excellent piece. I agree with Janice that feminists define misogyny as any statement or action that a woman finds offensive but to which she has no coherent response or argument. (Example, a man calls our poor conduct by women that women are unwilling to take responsibility for.) Janice is also correct in pointing out that feminist behavior is not only breeding contempt of women by men...but that contempt is justified in most cases. Women, not men, are the people who are going to have to address this issue. Failure to do so may well lead to a society that concludes that women aren't capable of being equal to men and should be treated accordingly.

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Thank you for helping expose the false feminist narrative that is dividing the genders. Australia is my home and this narrative against boys and men is all over media and backed by politicians and those in power. They need to be called out as they are driving our boys to give up on life.

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Oct 16Liked by Tom Golden

I emailed the link to the discussion to a journalist who wrote, "Funding boost for Victorian schools to counter ‘toxic’ Andrew Tate-style rhetoric" https://www.news.com.au/technology/online/social/funding-boost-for-victorian-schools-to-counter-toxic-andrew-tatestyle-rhetoric/news-story/fd2ddd6cdc612ee61b89bfb404a23c22

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I also saw this today Phillip. One of the first things I noticed is that the 'comments' feature is turned off...

the second thing is the profile of this Journalist: Blair’s journalism career has taken him from Perth, to New Zealand, Queensland and now Melbourne.

That's it.. so he moved around a bit.. big deal.. no proper qualifications mentioned.. its a joke..

I might email the same journalist the same link and some words.. too...

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I am on some black lists, where I can not submit a comment at all.

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so much for free speech.

I notice on news.com.au that some of my comments are rejected and they are no better or worse than some others and I've decided.. they have an agenda and that is what they are pushing.. I like it that RT.com let a lot of things through.. a lot is purely disgusting but in the name of free speech I am not forced to read the comments.. but I dislike that some news companies monitor the comments so tight. Here in Switzerland there is a site that is feminist, as far as I can tell and they push propaganda and even some of it is against the highly democratic nature of Switzerland - this is find interesting.. good to question but it is pushed by the authors who ask ridiculous questions.. when people post sometimes.

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When, for example, the ABC or the Conversation posts an article on Facebook, I often cannot submit a comment.

I received a permanent ban from the Conversation when they allowed comments, to articles; my sin was I quoted and referenced Erin Pizzey.

When I make a comment, I like to reference with supporting data.

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nasty people.. but they reveal themselves 'when we take notice of this'.. people point the finger at the 'dictators' on this planet but right here in our own wester backyards we have dictators also.

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A book well worth reading is "Spin Sisters, how the Women of the media sell liberalism and Unhappiness."

The basic upshot is that these women believe that all other women should be like them, vote the same they do, and believe in the same things that they do. Because of the bubble they live in, they cannot comprehend that other women may have totally different priorities and beliefs.

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Thank you for the book alert, taken note.

Phillip from what you are saying, I would say this 'journalist' is one of those people?? https://www.news.com.au/the-team/jana-hocking

some of the titles and the words..

for me, today, and I don't know him really but this Jana Hocking is as bad as the Tate brothers.. I leave it there..

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We could list all the female journalists who are spin sisters.

But then Hades would descend on our lives.

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This is one of those comments I would choose the 😂 button...

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Tom Golden

This is going back to 2016 or so. My older brothers wife, who happens to be a teacher in Australia and a feminist was lambasting how weak my brother was - because he’d gone to buy a new phone and come back with a new mobile, a new phone plan PLUS an iPad that no one would ever use. When discussing how this could have happened, my sister-in-law told me ‘that your brother cannot handle strong women’.

I remember outwardly buying this crap but inwardly thinking ‘what the hell!’

As someone that had worked for the telephone company in question I knew that Sales People could be highly manipulative.

Maybe ‘what is a strong ..’ would be a good topic for you guys to discuss!!

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Oct 16Liked by Tom Golden

I see this a lot: strong women or alpha women. I remember when being assertive was all the rage, however often the people (trying not to be sexist) who claimed they are being assertive were plainly aggressive and were out to win at all costs.

I called it out a few times, typically that went down like a lead ballon.

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Good Point: strong women or alpha women.

Assertive mmmm then all this was taken up and regulated by HR people and enforced and trained into others by over zealous people that thought they were higher than the Creator.. all so they could keep their jobs.

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19 hrs agoLiked by Tom Golden

I agree to you, Janice, Hanna and Tom: The feminists are desperate.

And this Mr Flood again... omg how wrong he has always been.

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Yes, we have enough enough Flood for a long time...

Great to see them desperate. Let's hope it crumbles soon.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Tom Golden

Victorian (male) students will get anti Tate lessons but much more is needed to tackle Gendered Violence in Schools'


Welcome to the dystonia state of Victoria, in Australia. It was not in my wildest dreams or imagination that I ever thought things would go this far.

It reminds me of some science fiction stories I read decades ago. Social engineering has been attempted throughout the centuries by various individuals and groups.

Germany in the 1940s, Cambodia the Killing Fields, and The Jones town massacre.

I dread what is to come; while these latest attempts are dressed up as "doing good", the price will be paid years, if not decades, down the track.

Will history record this honestly as Lesson 101 on how to destroy a society?


Will it be window-dressed with false fronts to make it all seem too successful and glamorous?

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For a while, now, I've been unable to get sound from the videos on your Substack. It's not a matter of the volume not being turned up or muted and it doesn't happen on any of the other Substacks I follow.

Does anyone have any idea why this is or how to fix it?

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Very odd. No sound at all? And other substacks work ok? Very weird.

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Have you tried on different devices? Phone, Ipad, desktop? Or from different locations?

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I will check with the Substack folks and see if they have any ideas.

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Well, the substack folks told me to ask you if you had unmuted the video. It seems that substack automatically mutes some videos.

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Do you have a pending update?

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