Erin Pizzey picked up on something about Hilary Clinton. I wish I knew what it was.

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You mean like a disease??? lol

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I find women can pick up on the covert behaviour of their gender that men don't notice.

For example, following Janice, she sees and expresses elements that I don't fully understand.

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Yes, I have noticed that also. Interesting question whether this is learned or innate?

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the covert behaviour is possibly that she gives out double messages!

The future is female

while she stayed with Bill after the sexual event and stays married to Bill!!

there are many scenarios of course.. but one cannot shout 'Frauen Power' while enjoying: fame, riches, power, recognition that Bill delivered to her..

If one were playing a card game, one could say she thought she held the winning trump card, but, In fact she was trumped by Trump!!!

Would she have won if she had divorced Bill and gone alone with all her so called theories and philosophies and actually really lived 'the future is female'.. we will never know...

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Very, very true. The shift of young men away from the Democrat party has been remarkable and really gelled in the last 4 years. Their hostility to the Democrats and embrace of Donald Trump and J.D. Vance is based on 3 major factors:

1. Concern about economic issues like jobs, inflation and the price of housing.

2. Rejection of the anti-male hostility of feminism, feminists and women who support feminism in any form.

3. Concern that they will be sent to fight globalist wars. (Keep in mind the local national guard has been deployed to the Middle East taking many of these young men's siblings, friends and classmates into a fight that is not of their choosing and not really in their interest as they see it.) I can easily see them refusing to follow the leadership of a female commander in chief until women are required to register for the draft and serve as they are.

What is interesting is that this male rejection of the Democrats is not just white working class men...but working and middle class men from all ethnic groups. These men are NOT misogynist...but they reject gynocentrism and are more than willing to apply the same standards of conduct and criticism to women that women DEMAND men be held to. This is not something most women are remotely prepared to rise to which is likely to result in a systemic male disdain for women to set in if they don't step up and correct their own toxic conduct.


This weekend I witnessed an enlightening event in a college bar packed with Halloween celebrants. When crowded with college students, the lines for the restrooms begin to back up in the short hallway that leads to both the mens and womens rooms. One of the duties of the staff stationed at the back door is to keep men and women out of the restrooms of the other sex. The men's restroom has a trough that can accommodate 4 and a single stall. The womens room has 3 stalls. The line to the womens room backs up more than that for the men. As a result, some of the women presume to invade the mens room, usually in groups of 2 or 3 to take over the stall, sometimes even pushing men out of the way if THEY are waiting for their own stall. The men object to this inappropriate and illegal conduct usually with catcalls and harsh language toward the invaders. On the very rare occasion when a man attempts to enter the womens room he will be physically assaulted by the women present and forcibly ejected from the establishment by the staff at BEST if not held and arrested by police. The incident I observed is of the reverse situation.

On the night in question an attractive woman entered the mens room. A staff member observed this due to the catcalling, entered the mens room and directed her to leave. When she refused, the staff member physically removed the woman who resisted like a toddler who develops jelly legs, refuses to stand, and ends up being dragged along the floor. Once out of the restroom area a female friend joined the ejected woman and they immediately began screaming at the staff member saying they will not put up with such treatment and conduct. The bouncer returned to his duties at the door while the women screamed and yelled at him there. A male friend of the offended women arrived and worked hard to convince the women that it is time to leave. I observed for another 45 minutes in case a witness was required to speak to the incident as the ejected woman threw a temper tantrum over having been ejected from the men's room acting like SHE was the victim with various threats of calling the police, filing charges against the bouncer, etc.. Of course, if the staff had done nothing and one of the men in the restroom had pushed the woman or otherwise acted to remove her from THEIR restroom, she would have had no problem complaining about how the business created an unsafe environment for women and calling the police claiming to be a victim as well. Eventually the male friend prevailed and the women left...but not until many young men observed part or all of the incident. None of them were impressed by the woman's claims and all seemed to think the bouncer had acted appropriately. If women think this type of conduct earns the respect of men, they are sorely mistaken. Gynocentric privilege has left many women drastically unprepared to correct their own character flaws and toxic feminist behavior.

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Great story. It speaks to the presumption of many women to being victims at every step. Good to see the men be protected by the bouncer. Nice! Maybe things are shifting just a little.

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Agreed...keep in mind that the bouncer was also protected by those men, like myself, present who:

1. Chose to stand as witness to what occurred should such be needed (and told the bouncer this).

2. Chose NOT to feed the whiny woman's ego by siding with her and "confronting" the bouncer or business about HER complaints.

What amazed me in all this (amazed but not surprised) was the complete inability of the woman to recognize that she was the person in the wrong in that she created the violation of public space rules and then she refused to correct the problem and SHE was the person who physically resisted correction. Women like to complain about "domestic" violence...but how much of this so called "violence" is actually the direct result of their own misconduct? I suspect a great of it!

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What would it matter that you had witnesses? Every man there would’ve been hauled off to the big house! Remember, we have “for profit” prisons now, and you gotta keep those beds full!

And all the toxic feminists involved (including other females watching) would once again think they were in the right!

Nothing will change until that bouncers behavior once again becomes the norm.

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Without witnesses that is exactly what would happen. With sufficient numbers of witnesses, or better video footage, the innocent have a chance. Remember how much feminists seek to do their dirty work in larger groups or behind the shield of anonymity. they do this because they know that their ideas and conduct cannot stand up to common sense from regular men and women. This is why a big strategy in response to feminists attacks is to make sure maximum light and pressure is put on accusers and their advocates and allies. Make them pay a personal price for engaging in misconduct as they do to the accused.

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It's not just young men who are shifting away from the democratic party. Married women and women of sons are looking to the right. Additionally, Another issue is the shadow transgender agenda movement that is upsetting women. People are uncomfortable talking about it, but it is out there and it is real.

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Indeed. So good to see people leaving the party of feminism! Always good to see you Sean!

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Young men need to expose the double standard that exists when it comes to laws regarding abortion. When women say they can’t be told what to do “with their bodies,” where are young men who should expose how the rights of both unborn children and fathers are being violated when women can choose to have an abortion without the consent of the father? If a man is proven to have gotten a woman pregnant and she wants to keep the child, the courts can order the man to provide child support to the woman for 18 years. However, if a man gets a woman pregnant and wants to raise their child without requiring the woman to provide child support, the courts today will allow the mother to kill their unborn child without the father’s consent. If Jesus could show the injustice of women being stoned for adultery while adulterous men suffered no consequences, why can’t the double standard be exposed that denies fathers a right to decide what will happen to the children they conceive?

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Nov 4Edited

Policies, speeches, and whole town halls are devoted solely to one sex. Politicians appeal to women to get their vote.

The Republican candidate posted on Twitter just a few days ago in response to Mark Cuban's swipe at his female voters. Amidst multiple insults at Cuban being an "insecure guy" and a "weak man", Trump expressly stated that "ALL women are great, whether strong or not strong" (emphasis his). That tweet racked up more than 28K retweets and 187K likes in less than 7 hours, many I KNOW from those who lambast weak men or "men" in scare-quotes for not being Real Men™️ anymore (biology be damned). The sentiment is as extremely widespread as it is polarised.

I'm glad men are abandoning the Democrat party, but if Trump's tweet is indicative of the general participation-trophy sentiment to one gender, then I wouldn't mind seeing men abandon the Republican party either. They are hardly any better.

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