HERE WE GO AGAIN!: First, we need to see through Feminist Binary Health Lie #1: “WOMEN ARE PHYSIOLOGICALLY INTENDED TO LIVE LONGER THAN MEN.” Let’s use a car analogy: About 75-80% of men are varying types of 4 Wheel Drives. We have substantially more robust frames, and capabilities, especially when the going gets rough. 90+% of Women are road cars; less capable of strenuous, or seriously high stress work.

GIVEN THE SAME OPERATING CONDITIONS, THE 4 Wheel Drives will well outlast the road cars. The problem is: We don’t experience the dame operating conditions! Men have it way tougher!

We should honor the men that do the hard, dangerous labor more. When I was young, back in the Pleistocene, I’d injured my back because some “cheese-head” manager was trying to make a name for himself. A 350lb hand-truck load did not go over a big door sill; my back said: “wrong move”. I hit the cement floor in agony. Child-birth, on a LOGARITHMIC SCALE, for a Gravida-1 female is low 7, in the pain department. A bad back spasm is a high 7, to low 8. It was a rough two week recovery. For my injury, I received $85! This is a paltry sum for having a recurring injury for the rest of my life.

Years later, even before the Mass Idiocy of

“Me Too”, I’d heard of some Hollywood bimbo getting 8.5 million dollars for a “casting couch fiasco”. Ten Hundred Thousand times the amount. Does anyone (in their right mind) think this is fair? I know I’m not alone in any facet of this argument.

Women already receive a VASTLY greater level of concern - and finance in virtually every department. It is an unacceptable imbalance.

The Democrats have lost the LAST of their genuine intellectuals. What remains are the products of brainwashing; although in most cases, a good rinse would suffice!

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Well said. I do wish a good rinse would suffice. I fear it will take more than that...these people are locked into a mindset that is pretty much immovable.

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This is why I advocate for drafting all women to fight in the next 100 years of war in female only units. We will see the truth of the matter of how is fragile and can't handle life.

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Gynocentrism will stop that from ever happening. That and the default cultural stance of females lacking accountablity.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Liked by Tom Golden

A male friend recently told me that women aren’t as strong as men and therefore it is not reasonable to expect females to fight - all while the facade of equality and feminism is pushed and believed!!

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That's the drill. And people are totally blind to it.

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My position also. The way to expose women and their fake Ekwalite is to front-line all-female combat units downrange. After a few days of princess losing arms, legs, and heads, the stomachs of the fembots and their daddy-do-nothings will lose their ardor for Complete Equality for Some. That, sadly, is the type of reality check it will take to budge the gynarchy off ground zero.

Rub their faces in their hypocrisy. Until then, the beat(down) goes on.

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It is going to take something huge to put a dent in this. So many people think feminism is about equality. lol

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Yes. The brain-lock is so deep and longstanding at this point that it will take Full Culture Shock to budge Mr and Ms Normie outta their comfy zones.

The bloated lunacy of Total Feminism can only last in an empire, or a post-empire, like Amerika and its client/allied nations -- W. Europe, Can(t)ada, Un-Great Britain, Australia/NZ. Once it bleeds out the host culture, then shock results are guaranteed.

The U.S. already is failing bigtime, living off the greatest gen and the early years boomerville, when men still were competent and cared. Once the seed-corn is consumed, you will see changes. Not voluntary changes of course. But changes.

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The beat(ing) goes on!

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Sep 26Liked by Tom Golden

I am waiting for the 'the fact we are spending more money on women's health than one men's health is proof that we have to do more for women's health' argument.

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Yes, that is the logic involved! lol

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Sep 25Liked by Tom Golden

Money from the government only corrupts and makes its recipients weaker. Look at what food stamps, free housing, public schools, medicaid did to the black community in America. Public funding is doing the same thing to women.

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Sep 25Liked by Tom Golden

Unfortunately there seems to be a pandemic of egotism by women like Jill Biden and Meryl Streep at the moment but pandemics do end but with a lot of heart ache created.

Personally I cannot tolerate all this and stay sane by trying to see the rhythms in society. Non American here and whenever I see Ms Biden she reminds me of a puppy dog bouncing around desperately wanting ANY attention she can muster. But puppies are usually much cuter.

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It is interesting how disparities to be overcome are only on the female side. Back when Obamacare was passed, one of the big arguments for it was that women's health insurance premiums were higher than men of the same age. The reality is that insurance premiums are set based on the usage of health care services by particular demographic groups and women use far more health care than men. Rather than acknowledge this and expect women to pay their fair share for the healthcare they use, they demanded that men and women pay the same in each age group. The result, since insurance companies must pay their bills, is that men are now forced to subsidize the extra healthcare spending on women. This same logic does NOT apply to car insurance, however, where men pay much higher premiums than women because of the driving habits of some men. Notice there was no demand that women pay the same premiums as men for car insurance (which would lower men's rates while raising women's). We see the same with Social Security. Despite women living far longer and thus drawing far more benefits from social security than men, they are NOT charged a higher tax or required to work longer to earn those benefits. If only we could all be oppressed as much as women!

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Great point about the health insurance premiums. Thanks for this.

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This is a world-wide phenomenon, at least in the western world, where women contribute less into and take out more than men.

- Retirement scheme

- Health care

- taxes & services in general

- insurances (paid more by men with women benefitting e.g. life insurance).

- other costs that were internalized into labour costs (e.g. paid leave for baby care, more 'sickness' days, higher expanditure to accomodate the work-life-balance, and so on)

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Tom, see Brietbart's two articles on this topic -- and the comment threads -- the past couple of days. One article a day or two ago, on the $500 million dollar 'gift' to the Almighty Wimmin. My question was, where the hell is the $500 million for men!? Nowhere is where. But you know U.S. men. They are cowards and simps when it comes to feminism.

The other piece this morning, 'Poll: Kamala Harris Vastly Underperforming Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton With Young Men'.

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It shows to me how corrupt all this is. She is not an elected official and she condemned her mentally ill husband, along with many other women and men, to stay in Office and therefore directly exploiting the position for her/them selves and cheating the American people while shouting ‘democracy’……

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Jill Biden is a good example of why no feminist should be near the oval office!

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I keep seeing articles bemoaning the fact young men are making beelines for the right, the Republican Party.

And the articles tend to be written by pretty clueless people. They just can't understand how anyone would not want to join them, they're the Good People, after all.

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