Good piece Tom. I can also recommend highly recent pieces by Bettina Arndt and Janice Fiamengo at their substacks.

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Yes, both were excellent.

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The Red Pill is not a hate movement but it is a threat to feminism and women generally. If women had to actually earn the attention of and win high status men (or those that are nice, decent, willing to provide, etc.) on THEIR own merits, most would fail dismally as they have never worked on improving their own character and position. A world in which men know their worth and are willing to tell women NO if they aren't happy is a world in which women have to do their fair share of the "work" for a change.

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Sep 4Liked by Tom Golden

Could not have said it better myself-

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Agree. Well said and covers the lack of accountability in today's females.

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Tom, females LITERALLY could not get by without men and so, all men need to do is learn to say NO and within a year, toxic feminism would evaporate!


Nevertheless, for reasons only God knows, they simply refuse and females take full advantage of what’s between their legs.

Young men need to be taught this lesson from the day they are born. And the fathers tasked with making sure their sons have actually learned that lesson.

Sadly, this will never happen, and the circle goes round…

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Never's a long time. It will certainly happen, but big pain and trauma first.

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“It will certainly happen” you say?

Well, it hasn’t yet, is getting worse every day, and NOBODY has a plan to fix it so yeah, it’s going to be a while.

A LONG WHILE! You and I will be long dead before then so I consider that ‘never’ but I understand that ‘Hopium’ is a powerful thing; I just prefer reality…

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Mr. Robinson please accept my assurance that -- bad as things are -- somebody DOES 'have a plan' to fix it. That you believe otherwise is understandable, as is your and my frustration. But these are TEMPORARY things, not permanent nor eternal condtions. Pls. be patient and you will see the proof in future of my assertions.

That is no 'hopium' nor should you characterize the truth (reality) ahead as such. You cheat your own heart and soul.

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Sep 3Liked by Tom Golden

MGTOW remains the most viable solution to bring these rogue feminists back to reality. Sadly, men actually prefer their toxic treatment from feminists and so, NOTHING WILL CHANGE!

Those of us who understand this will fare better than most…

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Yes indeed.

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Sep 4Liked by Tom Golden

George the Tinmen recently added this about the Invisible Psychopaths.


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Interesting. Women's psychopathy overlooked? Yes, and their reliance on relational aggression as an initial tool makes the even harder to spot.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Tom Golden

The red-pillers are now making up a group of men who are in no way men's advocates, with their masculinity, weak men kick. They are no less just as bad as feminists.

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Which group is that? Woke red pill? Doesn't seem to match.

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The Red Pill is basically the realisation that in reality women are the ones who are in control not men.

A man can get control if he works hard and takes numerous risky chances.

All a woman needs to do is be pretty and pleasant.

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Pleasant? Where the Hell are you finding pleasant women, these days?

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They only need to be pleasant until some sort of leash is in place. It’s not a demanding task.

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Ha, absolutely. I've known women who think they are in control simply by opening their legs. And too many guys fall for it.

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Women have a massive and documented reason for keeping men ignorant and blind to the ruination visited upon little boys and men. Women ARE the State and have been for decades. Evil collusion.

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This is more reflective of Esther Vilar book "The Manipulated Man" she says;

quote< as women are unsympathetic to the plight of men, and unwilling to give up their comfortable position in society. It is up to men to see past the deception and emotional blackmail and subject it to open criticism before any meaningful changes can occur.> unquote

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Ester Villar is insightful in that quote but can you shed some light on why men simply refuse?

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Grey Hair And No Mercedes = ?

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Lonely men.

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Your welcome-

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Then take the Blue pill Neo.

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Thanks, Tom! This was inspiring and got me an idea for my own musings. I believe it is a complex issue, also when it comes to who actually has the upper, upper hand, who don't see the need for change.

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