That’s so funny that you released this now Tom, and I’m so glad you did, I just watched this doc on Friday and am preparing an overview of the feminist situation in Norway going through the measures that have been taken since the 2000s and what the outcomes are. I will include Sweden as well for good measure. It’s about time people stopped idealizing the Scandinavian egalitarianism!

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The funny part is that I found that link in the comments of your substack! I am really looking forward to seeing what you are putting together about Norway and Sweden.

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Thank you, Dr. Spier. Do you think feminism and wokeness can fall under the heading of Cluster B disorder, and Borderline Personality Disorder? If so, have those disorders trickled down to large numbers of feminist-leaning women?

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Margaret Thatcher the Prime minister of Great Britain in the eighties said feminism is a cancerous poison and a threat to society !

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And she was correct. I wish I had seen it that early.

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Really any gov't that makes policy driven by ideology, be it feminism, Nazism, or whatnot, is making huge mistakes. This is b/c ideologies insist that their ideals, be they good or evil, ARE reality. This being out of touch w/ reality leads them to make really bad decisions in re policy. Eg: Nazis believed in an ideal state where gov't was centralized down to one man (Hitler) and that the people in the state were or should by "Aryans". These beliefs, these ideals, led to policy that created the death camps and saw millions of non-"Aryans" deported and murdered. These policies along w/ other policies not grounded in reality led to Germany being crushed in a few years. How was this good for the Germans? It wasn't. Likewise feminism's incorporation of woke ideals implemented as policy in Sweden will lead to Sweden's downfall as a democratic nation, as suggested in the video.

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Government is itself an ideology. The most dangerous kind. Feminism, like war, is an effect of government (an effect of taxation and legalised violence).

Without government what is feminism? Perhaps a handful of women forming an all female commune and becoming self sufficient so they don't need to rely on men. This kind of feminism represents maybe 0.1% of the feminist movement. The other 99.9% are women who have correctly identified government as the most 'alpha' group in society (basically the top mafia), and therefore the ones to form an alliance with.

Feminists use government to extract resources from men, and government uses feminists to justify its mafia behaviour under the banner of 'helping women'.

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Without govt what would feminism be? That is a great question! My guess is, not much.

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This is basically neocon propaganda, the domestic equivalent of those pushing forever wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere. The only thing wrong with open immigration is the (alleged) harm to feminists. None of these statistics mean anything. At 12:36, some truth leaks out: "rising rape levels in Sweden are due to changing definitions of what constitutes rape." By the way, there is nothing "conservative" about radical Islam. Islamism is a revolutionary movement that borrows ideas freely from the Left, which is why it was driven largely by women in countries like Iran and why western feminists feel an affinity with it. I address this in my article here: "The Sexual Jihad: The Global Rise of Sexual and Religious Radicalism", https://www.newmalestudies.com/OJS/index.php/nms/article/view/270.

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Well said Stephen.

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It seems that this documentary is controversial for its own purposes to some of us watching it and @Robert Peter Kearns - you say that 'this is all old hat'.

But not for me.. I found it exciting... even if old!

I've watched most of Janice Fiamengo's videos and right now I cannot date stamp her Why I Am An Anti-Feminist - The Fiamengo File, Episode 1 : it is hard to say 'if I didn't watch Janice because they were old hat, then maybe I would have missed a huge portion of being educated about feminism, even if only through the eyes of Janice, but non the less I have benefited in many other ways and some of that is how I approach these things now, how I think about them'....

I found it exciting that Soheila Fors (originally from Iran) said:

"The feminists have this picture: the oppressor is always Swedish culture and the white man. Those who are oppressed are people of other cultures, by the white man. But this picture is not true.

I see another reality. The ones whom the feminists see as victims are really the oppressors."

As a gay man I see more and more, my perception, of how I can escape some of this 'anti-male' stuff, it is almost like 'my biology' is by-passed because 'gay' is a victim..

This is what Soheila alerts us to here with 'the oppressor is always Swedish culture and the white man'...

I'm white, a male and happen to be a homosexual.. so I'm automatically excused from the numbers.. because I'm placed in the 'victim' box by some and in the oppressor box by others - especially, it seems when I connect myself to the LGB+ camp (I've only just realised that the first letter of the acronym is L for Lesbian and that is female! How come the ladies get to go first again!!?? Shouldn't it have at least been alphabetical as in BGL+ or ???)

Back to my post..

I think what I learn from Soheila with these words is that Feminism is definitely many sided and depending on where the moon is at any point of the calendar.

For some it might be obvious but for me.. I've been in a huge learning process since my first MRA contact in 2020.

My process is about my own individuality and learning, maybe, to respect others in theirs rather than remain in the tribal thinking all the time and I find this a huge challenge.

Another part of this video are these words: "And he was attacked by Anne Ramberg, a feminist pro-immigration activist and head of the Swedish Lawyers' Association."

So I am dealing with my own 'blue pill' mentality is that Anne Ramberg is listed as a feminist and yet she somehow supports immigrant men who sexually abuse women.. I shake my head at this. But it shows how inconsistent Feminism is. How they don't have any principles in living in general..

For me the documentary was good at giving some context, from another angle, about the dangers of Feminism, the contradictions that are right in front of us but ignored...

I read the following words on a training book for doing Biography work form a German man:

"A widespread process is happening in the world at large: the emancipation of the human individuality from any external authority."

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"How come the ladies get to go first again!!??"

Don't worry, the ladies do not go always first. Ask Selenskyi on how he wants to replenish the ranks on the front.

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ok. that is another thing to consider.. and a horror story of betrayal of Human Rights that everyone is jumping up and down about...

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Well, it is even worse.

The war is still ongoing. And since men are running out in Ukraine, the US asked Selenskyj to reduce the drawing range from 25 to 18. He is planning to do it, stating that UN conventions would even allow to go as down as 16.

Naturally only men, as women are still allowed to leave the country.

And the worse thing is, the war still ongoing, feminist organisations are already trying to secure huge funding for the 'genderered base budgeting' as seen on the 'ukraine recovery conference' with its current discussed budget of EUR 750 billion.

So men are dying, the dead corpses are not yet cold, privileged women are safe and feminists are trying to reserve a big part for women only (actually for their feminist sisters).

Can you imagine that?

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hard to believe, but so true, gynocentrism runs silent and deep

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I cannot imagine it to tell you the truth and I for one feel helpless about the injustice.

However, it is a horror...but a lot of us are to comfortable to do anything... but slowly things will change... they must.. hard to believe, but they must...

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Jamie, there are a lot of Janice Studio Brule videos that are not accessible on YouTube.

YouTube deleted all of the videos and comments, losing an archive of comments and ideas, and then Steve started reposting them. However, many are not accessible for whatever reason. Below is a link to another source.


Take for example this video;


It was once available on YouTube but has now been censored.

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Hello Phillip, thank you.

I watched most of Janices videos here:

Fiamengo File 1.0 : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGFFi6pRCnCcL5RUhTkIClr-g43wCDf1P 90 videos.

Studio B: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6DVPc51R5HJl8tlNASZKfA/videos

The Fiamengo File 2.0 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGFFi6pRCnCdQTe1iG3Tw4Td9jvhY2w74 39 videos.

Today is not my day for watching these women bad mouth men (firefighters) that were out fighting fires when we do not have the equivalent of females fighting fires and returning to the families...

So much nonsense going on with people, honestly...

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Great find Tom. It is certainly a gynocentric documentary that suggests there are good and bad feminists. No logical person can argue feminism is about equality. All feminists are ideological by nature and the documentary underlines that the real disease in Sweden is susceptibility to ideology. This has occurred progressively over the years, firstly feminism and then critical race and gender theory.

Ideology is authoritarian by nature and there seems to me to be little difference between the Marxism and feminism. They both have a very small self appointed elite who decide who are the victims and who are the perpetrators.

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I don't have time to write an extensive analysis of this film, at least not right now, but I will say that my reaction is ambivalent.

This is a very gynocentric production. It's as if the only problem that "multiculturalism" presents is its baneful effect on women, whether Swedish women or Muslim women in Sweden--or both. Viewers learn in statistical detail about the rise in violence against women, for instance, but nothing at all about the rise in violence against men (if any). Moreover, the basic paradigm of this film is a conflict between two forms of feminism: (a) all men in all cultures at all times cause all evil (the ideological feminism that has prevailed since the 1980s) versus (b) all white and straight men cause all evil (woke feminism, which anti-Westernism absorbed ten or fifteen years ago). The film does allude to anti-Westernism in general, which happens to be a major motivator among elite Swedes and other Westerners but also--for a completely different reason--among Muslims.

All of this gets swallowed up by the debate over women. The underlying conflict, however, is between Swedish (or any local) culture and Islamic (or any immigrant) culture. Elite Swedes have come to believe that no Western community has a moral right to endure (due to the what I consider the morally repulsive doctrine of collective guilt), which means that any immigrant community has a moral right to transform the host culture beyond recognition (due to the equally repulsive doctrine of collective innocence). The film could have introduced philosophical questions about the meaning of "community." Why would families and schools teach children to strive and even sacrifice for their community, after all, if strangers are likely or welcome to destroy it? And the historic pattern of Islam--not only "radical" Islam--has always been to replace local communities with their own. But the film didn't say much about this, because it fixated on women.

Moreover, the language (both oral and in translated subtitles) fails to make some significant distinctions. Here, I'll mention only (a) "conservative" (whatever that means in connection with either traditional Islam, let alone secular Sweden) and (b) "agreeableness" or "niceness" (which sounds better than "conformity," "complacency" or "manipulation" to describe the natural inclination of most women to prevent or even hide conflict).

This film is nonetheless provocative and could be useful if followed by guided commentary. To go with it, I recommend very highly an article on the same underlying problem (massive immigration and political responses to it) but in Germany. See Heather Mac Donald, "Heather Mac Donald, “What’s Behind the AfD Party’s Rise in Germany,” City Journal, 5 January 2025; https://www.city-journal.org/article/germany-populist-afd-party-immigration

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Great analysis Paul. Thanks for this.

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Ultimately, *any* Government policy that favors one group over another, tends to make the country *less* safe than it does to make it *more* safe. From this documentary, I heard a lot about Swedish politicians, policies, and programs that were not aware of its long-term consequences.

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Excellent doc! There's a misunderstanding of the need for acceptance of and participation in the baseline values of a host culture by both the new guests and the permissive hosts. One takes off their shoes in Japan, one attends school with girls in Sweden. period. The fact that the virtue of "adab" (sense of etiquette which lead to chivalry) and right relations was a foundational part of Iranian and Middle Eastern culture and is now left on the wayside, shows how far Islamic culture has fallen from great understanding in its current sociopolitical form.

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Interesting Nancy, thank you for this. Did the idea of adab apply to non-Muslim populations?

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On one level it's prescribed etiquette or order of operations demonstrating the manner of how one handles an object with proper care and respect, for example, don't put the Koran or Bible in a pile of other books. Give it its own space and regard. It leads to right relationship between people such as courtesy, graciousness, hospitality. It's a sort of functioning operational "mindfulness". Easy to see how it could contribute to right relations between men and women. Like all things it can become formulaic and rigid.

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I read some of the comments before the video. Goodness Tom, I thought Sweden was supposedly the best country in the world for social justice!!!

Obviously things have changed...

For what it is worth, I was watching a presentation from Nikos Sotirakopoulos about: Understanding Evil: the Soviet Union........

Something Nikos quoted was very interesting:

"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you."

Matthew 5:44

In my words, Nikos proposes that the West keep supporting those that are against them and places it back to this quote from Matthew.

I have not checked it out fully but I thought it is something that I think does happen in societies and after hearing what he had to say I thought, but the bible doesn't say that you have to keep feeding them or keep them in your country (refer to some of the statements by Nina from the rising Social Democrat Party in Sweden.. there are 'men' convicted of rape and kept in Sweden and yet are not citizens.. Nikos is referring to the likes of the USA continually giving to other countries that actually want to destroy them.. Isn't this what men are allowing feminism to do, as a group or individually? Isn't this what we are all taught somehow to live our lives? And yet we allow ourselves to be continually destroyed and what has happened to the third strike and you are out..

He starts talking about this at 34:40 minutes by asking a question like: why does the west never learn? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXNFxypbDYA

My ramblings for 5th of January 2025..

Nikos Sotirakopoulos is an instructor and visiting fellow at the Ayn Rand Institute. He received his PhD in political sociology from University of Kent in the UK, and has been teaching in UK universities for 10 years.

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Interesting Jamie, thanks. I would tend to agree with him 25 years ago but now the decision makers of the US are far from Christians. Christianity? It has ceased to be a force in politics.

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Christianity is a force in the cosmos. Those who consider themselves above it are invariably shallow and often depraved.

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Thanks Tom. On one hand I totally agree but on the other I know enough about myself that these things 'lurk' in our/human subconscious and manifest in ways that unless someone examines oneself deeply then this thinking remains unknown and people live their lives under such conditions. That is what sparked my comment really..

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stopped at 10 minutes.... this is all old hat. i'm going someplace where civilizations's not having a mental breakdown that ends in genocide and everyone is busy gaslighting you and calling you a conspiracy theorist because you dare to say the sky is blue.

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I tried watching for a bit, but I don't speak their language and the lack of subtitles made it pointless to keep watching two people jabber on in the snow.

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jabber on in the snow….

you sound like me. cheers!

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I tend to take the "Statler & Waldorf" approach to all of this mess these days.

*Points muppetty finger from balcony and laughs delightedly at another predictable outcome*

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the peanut gallery rides again!

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Seems that feminists are aligned with Islamic terrorists as a way of overthrowing the current western order. The feminists' only consolation is that they will be eaten last.

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"The title appears to be written by someone attempting to excuse or rationalize the pathological decisions of Sweden's feminized legislators. However, the content speaks for itself."


When the Consequences of a Belief-System, or Explanation (same thing), nullify any attempt to rationalize those consequences, the result is Explanatory Collapse. And since Explanations function by co-ordinating our transactions with the world, well....

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What the Swedish dood said? Ditto for me.

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