Just Friday, I was heading to the new outdoor workout court, which are apparently going up all over the nation: Bravo! I’m semi-retired and can pick my tome to start, which is usually between 2:30 - 4:00 PM.

These new apparatus are the real deal, designed to build field strength. As well, one can, using the guidelines and one’s imagination, progress up the resistance.

To carry on with the anecdote: Had finished with my chores and writing, and my “geezer nap”, and had arrived at the parking area. It was necessary to sunshade the windshield and grab my gear. Just as I’m shading, three kids come running past, to the apparatus, followed by their approving mother. The apparatus is CLEARLY MARKED 14+! This however, is no discouragement to modern mothers. Chagrinned, it was a ten minute wait for the kid to “get their stuff out”, as they thrashed about on the rings and bars.

The apparatus is CLEARY marked for adult use; due to the nature of it, mostly men. What do you think would have happened had I pointed out the regulation, and it came to conflict; she calls the cops?

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P.S. Sorry about the TYPOS; it is past my bedtime

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The point I’m trying to make is: Men are EXCLUDED from non-male “SAFE SPACES” - and - we get excluded from our own, at a whim!

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Yes, there literally are no more male spaces to be found. Now even the bathrooms.

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Off topic but you gotta check this out.


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Makes my happy I own a gun. lol

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As I started to type this out I did think it was not the right article to say my thoughts, but….

So, since 2020 and my first MRA group.. things have changed in my head, a lot.. and one activity of late is me 'summing up' men and women when I'm out and about...

Last weekend I was at the opera here in down town Switzerland I saw lots of 'mixed couples' but as I looked around at the male and female pairs I couldn’t stop myself from thinking... ::: you know, I don't see any of these men as being dangerous.. Non-that I saw looked like they were about to rape the woman sitting next to them or go home and commit ‘domestic violence’ etc, etc… or rape random women because ‘I feel like it today’…

Of course this kind of observation and conclusion is nonsense just as much as it is nonsense to reach a conclusion that ‘all men are dangerous’.

I’m an ardent people watcher.. and with the scenario above, I also thought.. maybe some of these demure men and women will go home and have rough sex or ‘rape sex’ or something that would shock me if I found out.. Maybe a couple of these men are lusting over the attractive hot woman sitting next to them in comparison to their own wives!!!!

But back to my point.. as I looked around, I mostly see men that adore women and want to make them happy (good or bad…) and it is only the most psychotic, deeply disturbed and psychologically damaged men (or women) who are actually the perpetrators’ of such murderous violence that our politicians are convinced that there is a ‘pandemic’ of violence and therefore it must be stopped at all costs (millions poured into protecting women for example) and ignore that ‘if’ men are so dangerous then it is :: men that require assistance, safe places to be in, money for therapy, removed from war zones, appreciated more by our leaders, etc., etc.

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Exactly Rhubarb. This is the evil of feminism. It has taken a world that is largely safe for the vast majority and convinced the world's population that the less than 1% of very troubled violent sorts are actually the majority and women should live in constant fear. Amazing feat of brainwashing. and narrative building.

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This is all very true. Those who object to safe spaces, because of the implication that those who don't endorse them are "unsafe" also get attacked. Further, safe spaces are not space...like business that make a big deal of advertising how they are gun or police free, they attract evil doers who know they will have a ripe target wrapped up in a bow for them.

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I forgot all about the MadTV connection, Tom. A great video, and no laughing matter. Colleges bend over for students. Report students "negative" about safe space? Another feminist trap for men. You are certainly correct is that it is a totalitarian project. I agree that these people do not want to grow up--their fragility is legendary, but they are fragile because they are ignorant, poorly taught, and inarticulate. When confronted, they have no idea how to respond except by plugging their ears and doing their "la-la" thing. Unfortunately for them, they can't always be in a safe space, and the reality they dread--the chaos, the happenstance, the surprise--is always pursuing them. Better for all of us if they stay at home, snug as bugs in their rugs, gazing hopefully at their screens. As for me and the men I know, we will be out there living our lives.

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Amen Allen.

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Jun 13
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I practiced HARD! Thanks! <smile>

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I used la la la this afternoon for the first time hahahahahaha I liked it...

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