Oct 6Liked by Tom Golden

Luckily I found and married a nice little church lady who said right up front that she was no longer a feminist and had rejected everything about feminism. Rejoice with me! After she had as many kids as she wanted and researched her superior claims to the cash and prizes, she reconnected with the coven, brewed up a cauldron of hollow grievances, chucked my life in the divorce grinder, and flushed my children’s childhoods down the biffy.

My barely-adult sweet little daughter has acquired feminism via the internet. She’s now a deluded, spiteful crybully. Intermittently crazed as a shithouse rat and nearly half as pleasant. She’s getting closer than she knows to being permanently bounced out of my house on a tight deadline. I hear you can smash a lot more patriarchy once you’re no longer weighted down with its freebies.

My half dozen young adult sons lived through all of this, with half or more of their friends growing up experiencing the same—or seeing their fathers dissolved into something hard to respect by years of married life under feminist threatpoint. Always knowing that Sweet Sally can do the same to them with a chorus of social acclaim whenever her feels start to sour. Half of my boys are having nothing to do with women. The others keep it light, mentally note the fire exits, and handle females with a caution normally reserved for unexploded ordinance. Plenty of their friends are doing the same.

Nothing in my life is unusual for a modern American man.

Respectfully, the writer of the Substack essay you referenced has insights but no solutions. I think my sons and their friends have both.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Author

Old Breed - this reads like a damn war story. Sorry to hear you had to go through that. What a mess. Your boys seem to be ahead of the game. Good!

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Oct 6Liked by Tom Golden

I’ve tried to learn from what’s happened in my life, and I’ve informed myself about how this stuff works out in the lives of Anglosphere men generally. The only solution I have found is for young men to keep out of this or any other situation that requires them to accept third-class citizenship as the cost of entry. That’s a solution for individual men, not for the fool’s errand of setting a wrecked society straight.

I think it’s nice that some women feel like criticizing the excesses of feminism. I also note that every one of them can pay that lip service while quietly banking the benefits of feminist cultural/political supremacy at the expense of everyone else. Also that they always retain their keys to the feminist armory and their open channel to the You Go Girl cheering squad for that day when their feels start to run in a different direction.

They’re welcome to say what they feel like saying in the public square. And I’m welcome to point out that they’re (at best) blind guides when their statements show up in the men’s space. It’s not for their benefit or society’s. It’s a warning that the bridge is washed out for the sake of the carefree young men racing toward the blind curve. Whether they heed it or not is their lookout, not mine.

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Your (w)horror story is so common to modern times. At least your boys have learned the lesson, albeit the hard way.

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Well said. I steer clear of women these days. Just too much at stake. Your sons, et al, are wise. Wish I'd have learned this sooner.

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If only I could write, I'd write to the mayor, if only he could read! I'd write my "book," "Bitch Set Me UP, about how men and women can't get alone, from Adam and Eve to Marion Barry Two takes: Eve was the first sinner, damning all men to perdition until Jesus comes back. Two, Adam was the worst since he allowed the Serpent, not a puny garden snake but a giant monster, to lord it over Eve. Adam should have fought to the death for Eve's purity! Instead Adam became the prototype for today's Republican congressmen, more akin to jellyfish than lions. Any society that purpousely puts women in harm's way is doomed!

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'God, please restore us who are willing to learn and know the truth so that we can become truly free.'

That is a worthy prayer. May Father open His ears to it, in whose image we are made.

Bearing the truth about this world is not an easy thing. It hurts: it is expensive. Often the truth alienates others. That's why the minority of people choose it.

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Feminism began with revolutionary radical enlightenment thinkers such as Diderot, D'Holbach, the Condorcets, Wollstonecraft and Paine.They deplored the terror of the French revolution and were blind, naive idealists.

Marx threw in Hegel, Rousseau and Robespierre because he was a bloodthirsty, parasitic lard-arse.

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