All feminism has been a complete shit show.

It has never been of any use or a positive influence on human culture.

Hatred never is.

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May this note find us all ever closer to God, and His Peace.


If womanhood can be hated - it is in their destruction of Functional [no fault divorce] fatherhood, and the delusional psychotic twisted exclusive raising and educating of boys where such a concept as a 'shit test' is not only inconceivable but we indoctrinated to the opposite.

For some reason their retarded and-or vileness cannot confront womanhood's demonic-sliminess when raised by people like them. Pride of delusional cnt-a-tude that warped those like that a walking Poison-spewing Machine of horror Death and Hell.

The life-torturing-destroying Betrayal of that which I and so many boys & men have suffered from such treachery and betrayal and Lovelessness could bring the concept of a Just world where God sends a real Pandemic to kill all women at menopause before they spent the rest of their 40+ years Vomiting Satanic life-love-joy-murdering Horror on children, young women, society, us all, and yes that means the death of many good valued women but from the sex that vote and encourage men to die for you and society, you women that Betray your children, fathers, yourselves, and us all, that increase horror and direct government to take more earned resources through taxes, increase wage suppression, destroy small business, .., from men & families - a society where you are justice-immune goddesses in, and such a Pandemic killing would give us the near assurance of a return of world-wide Sanity, Joy, Love, .. such would bring - either Repent, or .. well, F-U and die, then.

But not today - please.


God Bless., Steve

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One of the things that has been lost amidst the insanity is women's capacity to nurture. Now rather than nurture their children are sent to childcare and people who hardly know them, much less love them. It's a huge loss and we are just starting to pay for it now.

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Feminists: 'Do what I say or I will destroy you and the world.' Yeah, what an admirable movement. /s

I read Erich Neumann's 'The Origins and History of Consciousness' 30 years ago along with J.J. Bachofen's 'Myth, Religion and Mother Right'. They opened my eyes to the truth.

'Women who engage in toxic behaviors are deserving of our compassion. For the sake of all, let us hope that these persons seek professional help to thwart their destructive impulses.'

You can't stop evil with therapy. Talking to solve every problem is an idiosyncratically feminine approach. What we are witnessing is not 'mental illness', but intentional malevolence.

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I would call it brainwashing and using the ingroup bias to force compliance.

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The feminist movement took a deserved hit with Trump’s win and now they’ll whinge and whine ad nauseum with the almost total support of the media and celebrity opinions which count for nothing.

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Without exception, every time this has happened in Human History, it has been not only a harbinger, but part-and-parcel to the end of a civilization. We are engaged in such an extraordinary battle now; losing is not an option.

Sadly, the preponderance of Feminists, inculcated from a young age, are corrupted to the indelible. They must be marginalized for the weak-minded ninnies that they are.

In a position that could not possibly be dignified as a rationale, they gave the “reason” for a “Kamala Harris Presidency” as follows:

“We need a woman President.” “Identity Politics” has come close to doing us in. We now have the opportunity the save us from much more than grasshopper kebabs. Move on it!

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That's a concise and excellent summary, Tom. Only one thing that I don't understand. You place numbers at the end of some sentences. These look as if theyr refer to footnotes, but I see no footnotes, only un-numbered links (and not enough of them).

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Hi Paul - It is a press release from DAVIA. If you click on the top text "Press Release" you will go to the original release. The numbers at the end of some sentences refer to links that are listed below. Substack seems to have re-numbered 7-10 after it linked in the youtube video. It's a bit confusing.

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The only reason women have any of these traits is because men allow it! And by so doing are the architects of their own demise. So, the real question is why?

I don’t give a rats-ass for the falling birth rate not when men are faced with divorce rape, false accusations, loss of their children and prison time for accidentally bumping into some toxic feminists on the street!


MGTOW remains the solution…

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It is certainly one solution but it takes some very good men and removes them from the gene pool. I love the idea of 4b removing those toxic ladies from the gene pool but hate to see the good men of mgtow not leave their genes.

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Fair enough point Tom but I feel ‘Desperate Times’ requires Desperate measures; might be worth it in the long run? It’s beyond Hope the way it is now.

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Thanks for the brilliant video! It shows how out of balance females create out of balance politics, health, sexuality and culture with a complete loss of the sacred meaning of marriage (the union of opposites).

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The election results confirmed what was evident in rally attendance, earlier boycotts of Bud Light, Target, Gillette, and the failed James Bond and woke Indiana Jones movies. The US is nowhere near a 50/50 knife edge of progressive vs. conservative. We're more like 90/10 not progressive.

Harris was a candidate installed without votes (four candidates besides Biden received votes in the 2024 primary). Her platform consisted of "I wouldn't change anything Joe did" and glomming onto a couple of Trump ideas (no tax on tips and child birth tax credit). Her campaign generated massive debt bestowing outrageously large sums on celebrities and internet influencers.

Social media is currently full of disgruntled Kamala voters indulging in pointless, borderline self-destructive hysterics - shaving their heads, swearing off sex, family and children, and swapping poison recipes.

Beneath the theatrics are not unmet needs of women, but reactionary resentment toward men and the society that men provide for all of us. The Dems' only so-called women's issue was "women's health" by which they meant a mashup of anger at the fall of Roe v Wade and demand for unfettered abortion. That's a pretty thin thread on which to hang a woman's revolution.

Feminism boils down to not a political philosophy, but a single emotion, "I'm miserable and it's someone else's fault."

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"Roni Firon Fouks" I cannot. But wonder if she is AI-generated. Her facial expressions are extremely similar to Alexander Grace's.


Venus: The Dark Side eBook : Sheppard, Roy , Cleary, Mary T:

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Interesting. It does seem to be fake in some ways.

In some ways not.

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Hmmm...I wonder if the women of the 4B movement have considered that if they choose to be hostile and harmful to society then we must ask the question...why keep women around at all? Given their toxic behavior and refusal to contribute to society, perhaps we should exercise the right to control the body of society by aborting them entirely from society. Unlike the author, I do not believe that toxic women deserve compassion. They deserve correction with, or without, their cooperation.

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How can Kamala fall? She feeds at the bottom.

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I should have had a FULL COLON, there at the end! Breakfast was a callin’!

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