
Tom meets with Ed Bartlett, President of DAVIA and discusses their recent conference in New York City where they called out the gynocentric bias that permeates the United Nations. They go over the specifics of the 12 areas of male disadvantage that show the misandry of the UN. These 12 areas were all worldwide information that DAVIA collected. Sometimes as Ed explains, there was not global data on male disadvantage (no surprise) and so it forced the group to collect the data country by country around the world. The totals are stunning and represent a very good indicator of global male disadvantage.

DAVIA stands for Domestic Abuse and Violence International Alliance. They now are comprised of 133 member organizations from 35 countries around the world. They are doing important work. If your organization is interested in being a part you can go to:

DAVIA: https://endtodv.org/davia/

12 areas of male disadvantage: https://bit.ly/GenderEqualityforMen

Sonja Starr article: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/256027303_Estimating_Gender_Disparities_in_Federal_Criminal_Cases


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